Do or Do not - Yoda the Grandpa

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I woke up, breathing heavily. Master Darro or Okra wasn't there. I got up, thinking a lot. I sat down by the lake, looking at the stars' reflections.

"Is there something wrong?" Okra asked.

"Is there?"

"I don't know. You seem disturbed."

I looked at her. "What are you doing?"

"It doesn't matter what I'm doing. I just wanna know if you're ok." she sighed.

"I just had a dream." I said.


I explained about Master Darro's padawan and the Fourth Sister and what I had seen in the dreams.

"It seems you're scared of the future now." she said when I was done.

"I- I guess so."

"They say this is the path to the dark side... "

"I know." I sighed. "So what about you? Like your past?"

"I was taken by the Jedi when I was very young. I don't think there's anything that different for my story from the others'. But I had history with the council... they say I'm too daring. Made all sorts of trouble in the Clone Wars. Were you involved in anything important in it?"

"I was in the Commonwealth for most of the time. Otherwise I was with my padawan, training. I took an oath to free it from the Empire."


"The Force will guide us." I smiled and put my arms around my legs.

"When will we have enough Jedi?"

"When we feel we're ready. I think we should destroy the destroyer to really clear the Commonwealth out. Then the major settlements can be cleared out. We could rebuild the Minutemen to take control too."

"Won't they come back?"

"I don't think so." I thought for a moment. I then sensed Darro coming.

"Little early for plans?"

"Well I-"

"Had a dream. Omega, I know you can't help it, but this has to stop. Let it go."

"How am I supposed to move on after literally seeing you die?" I asked.


"The Fourth Sister. We tried to pull her back to the lightside but she pushed me away and stabbed you when we dueled."

"I can handle myself. Try to handle yourself."

"I would either do or not do that." I mumbled.

"What are you talking about?"

"What Yoda said."

"Yoda is most likely dead."

"How can you say that? He was my master and he's like a grandmaster."

"So like, a grandpa?" Cammi asked.

"No, not that." I sighed.

"He's alive somewhere, but we can't go looking for him. That's that." I said, walking onto the ship.

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