Trick Stab

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Khalida tilted her lightsaber casually, but it was only until she ignited it and was about to stab Darro when I realized she did it purposefully. I winced away to not see him in pain but something stopped the blade from going any further than a few inches. Cammi had my lightsaber in her hand and blocked her attack.

"I told you you should bring me along." she smirked.

"Filthy little worm." she snarled. Darro was recovering from her almost killing him.

"Little padawan, I am sorry. But it is what I have to do." He stabbed her himself.

"Master..." she fell to the floor.

"We must get going. Preston, get the Minutemen into shape and follow me." I said. "Good thing we got such a big ship." I winked at Darro, trying to cheer him up.

"What did I do?"

"You had no choice again, master. We need to go now." I said, rushing to the hangar. We all got onto the ship and I detonated the bombs which thankfully were still on the engines. The destroyer blew up and was starting to fall apart and head towards the planet below. I closed my eyes and used the Force to guide it away and towards an unpopulated place. Okra helped me and we soon landed back on the ground and from that moment forward, the Commonwealth is free of the Empire.

"Mission accomplished. Good work, people!" Danse beamed.

"Now this wasteland is saved" Okra said.


I smiled hard and went up to Darro. "I'm sorry about your padawan."

"It's ok. I did what I had to do." he said. "You proved me wrong on this mission."

"Thanks, General You did the right thing." Preston said. "Now we just need to rebuild again and clear the rest of the place. Are you in?"

"I think that someone else should be the General." I said. "I think Danse can do it."

"I don't think I could do it, though."

"Danse, I'm sure you can. Just lead them with hope and do the right thing. To ghouls and synths included."

"I can try."

"What now?" Cammi asked.

"We can train you." Okra said. "I have a few extra tricks you should know."

"Then you teach them." I smiled and patted the twi'lek's shoulder.

"Just me?"

"Yeah." I assured her she can do it. Cammi gave me back my lightsaber and I decided to give her Colt's until she can get her own. "I think I should go rest for a while from adventure." I said.

"Then I will come with you."

"Master, I-"

"I need rest too." he said, going onto the ship.

"Very well." I said. "I'm going back to Opra. I guess Okra and Cammi can come... live in peace for a while."

"This will certainly be a good change."

We flew back to Opra and landed where we had before. I sat in my seat for a moment.

"Do you think she's still alive now?"

"No. I saw her and she's dead now."

"Good." I said, getting up. I went to the market and bought some new things, soon to come back to the ship. Okra was teaching Cammi and I sat down to watch them.

"Thank you." she said.

"For what?"

"I would've still been here doing boring Sabacc here."

"Well then, you're welcome." I laughed. "Master, I feel we should go into hiding now." I said.

"You're right." he thought for a moment. "I will go hide on Kashyyyk."

"You have a ship?"

"I will buy one from here." he said. "You have been a good one, Omega. May the force be with you."

"May the Force be with you." I bowed to him, watching him disappear into the market.

Guys SO sorry this is too much like Force Awakens. I have no idea how to change it, and I wrote this a long time ago. Please forgive me. :(

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