Infiltrating the Star Destroyer

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We flew off to debrief in the Commonwealth. We landed and walked outside.

"Is this what we're saving, really?!" Okra exclaimed.

"There's people living here. It's not their fault a nuclear bomb hit them."

"They could've stopped it."

"These people are oblivious to what's happening on other planets in this galaxy."

"Wow... just wow." she grumbled.

"Why did I ever let myself be persuaded." I muttered.

"Who persuaded you?" Okra asked, looking at a leafless tree.

"Uh, I guess a friend of-"

"You're back. How's it going?" Danse appeared.

"What are you doing Danse? Unless more of the Empire comes here, you should stay at the bunker." I sighed.

"I just like seeing you."

"And who is this?" Okra asked.

"This is Danse. The friend."

"Is that what you call me?"

"No. What I was going to call you for one time."


"Master Darro?"

"Hm?" he said, stepping away from the ship computers. "You know what? I think we're ready."

"Wait what?!" I exclaimed. "Master, it's only about 4 of us and a child!"

"Hey, I'm not that young! You've trained me! I-"

"It's too dangerous."

"Omega, you want to do this, right? We're doing it now."

"Fine." I said. "Alright. Cammi, stay on the ship once we're on our way... Danse, get your armor and weapons, and I guess we do what we jedi do." I smiled.

"But I wanna come!" she complained.

"It's too dangerous." I said again.

"What if you have to get to something only I can fit into?"

"Good point..."

"Omega, we are not taking her."

"I think she should come. Nothing ever exciting happens these days, right?" Okra asked Cammi.


"This is why. This is absolutely why." Darro shook his head.

"Let's go. With Cammi." I said, going onto the ship with everyone else. "We destroy the destroyer. The remaining Minutemen are held hostage there and it's their main command ship-" I saw Darro as I was getting supplies for the mission. "Is there something wrong, master?"

"We have to try something else." he said.

"No master, this is the best way to do this." I said, lifting the ship and flying it up the atmosphere. Danse stared in wonder at the stars and mostly the Star Destroyer up ahead. We were pulled in by the tractor beam and we hid by the door until they broke it open.

"What are we going to do about this?" Danse asked.

"We sneak." I said, looking around outside. I ushered everyone to some crates that nobody was really watching. "I picked up these bombs. We can put them on the engines and escape with everybody."

"Won't the debri fall to the planet?" Danse asked.

My face went cold.

"Why haven't you thought of this before?!" Darro exclaimed.

"We use the Force. We can figure this out." I said, eying a way out of the hangar.

"This will be awesome." Cammi said.

"I don't know, now." I said, going to the engines. We were able to make it there and I planted the bombs on the engine cores.

"This explodes when you press the detonator so we can take all the time we want getting out of here."

"And thinking of a plan to not have this giant thing land on the Commonwealth."

"We could guide it to the Glowing Sea. All there is is the Children of Atom." Danse suggested.

"Good idea." I said, going to the detention level. "We need to get the Minutemen now. Let's go." We got to a locked door and Danse had to shoot it, bringing attention to us.

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