ArcJet Systems

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"Master Yoda. I've been in contact with this Brotherhood of Steel." I said, telling him along with Mace Windu about what happened.

"Hmm, it seems this Brotherhood of Steel can be trusted for long enough. Go ahead and help them. Proceed with your mission, and may the Force be with you."

I went inside to meet up with Danse and told him I was ready. He was staring at the holoprojector I realized I still had in my hand. I quickly put it away and smiled.

"You seem to have interesting pieces of technology, civilian." he stated.

"Yeah. Many things." I said. I sensed that he wanted them. "Let's go, I'm ready." I said quickly.

I followed him all the way to ArcJet Systems while he talked about the Brotherhood.

"Alright, we do this swiftly and quietly. No heroics, by the book, understand?" he asked when we were outside the entrance.

"Of course." I said. We went inside and then saw droids, or robots, strewn across the floor. I knew something was wrong then and there. "Something's not right." I said.

"Yes. These robots wouldn't be like this before. Look at the evidence. Not a single drop of blood or ammunition casing. These robots were assaulted by Institute Synths." he said.

"I'll be on the lookout." I nodded. I didn't need to ask many questions because I could see everything clearly in my mind somehow. We came to a locked room and were blocked from going forward.

"You find a way to unlock this door. I'll be on watch." Paladin Danse said through his helmet. I closed my eyes and opened the door before Danse could barely walk anywhere. He looked at me impressively but I didn't care. We were immediately attacked by robotic humans of which Danse said were the synths. I was able to deflect their kind of blasters and cleared them out. We went to the blast room afterwards and the elevator wasn't working. I used the Force to turn the power on and we went into the small space inside it. Danse seemed uncomfortable but I didn't mind one bit. We came to the top floor and synths attacked us. I used malstrom to kill the ones that crowded me and they were all dead.

"I can't find the transmitter anywhere. The Institute must've been after it too. Look at the corpses and see if you can find it."

I used the Force to summon the transmitter to my hands before Danse could start looking.

"How are you doing these things?"

"I'm sorry, I don't think I'm authorized to exactly tell you yet. Let's get out of here." I said. We went up to the surface and into the rain.

"Well, that could've gone smoother, but mission successful."

"Smoother? We got the transmitter." I said with a brow raised.

"It would've been easier if the synths hadn't tried to get it too," he said. "But other than that, I have two matters to discuss with you." He said. "We had a lot thrown back there at us. If you'd give me the transmitter, I'd like to give you this laser rifle that has my own modifications to it." He gave me a gun that had Righteous Authority written on it. "May it serve you well in battle."

"No thanks, I have my lightsaber." I said, pushing it back.

"And it seems deadly." he said. "But it must serve you in some important way. For the second matter, I'd like to make you a proposal. You handled this mission like a pro and I'd like you to join the Brotherhood of Steel."

I thought it over but knew what I had to do. "I could at least help you here. I'm here on a temporary mission and would just like to do what I must." I said.

"Very well." He sighed. "Meet me back at the Cambridge Police Station for debriefing." he said, then walking off. I went my own way and looked up at the sky. It has been a day since I've been away from Coruscant. After a few minutes, I walked back to the police station. I went inside and Danse was already there.

"I see you're back, sir. Is the mission a success, sir?" Rhys asked.

"Affirmative." Danse said. "We have the transmitter."

"Finally! Some good news for a change. Good job, sir!"

"I didn't do it alone. Our friend here helped us out." Danse said nodding toward me. "I offered her to join, but she's just helping us for now."

"So, you decided to stay. I thought you'd just take the reward and leave. I was getting used to you leaving."

"Rhys! She's been sent here to help, so you'll pay her some respect." Danse said. "You can use this place to resupply and rest." Danse said. "Report to Scribe Haylen and Rhys for something to do."

I went to a private room to again contact Mace Windu and Master Yoda. "I've helped the Brotherhood get this transmitter. I agreed to help them when they asked to join."

"And it is a very good decision. Keep helping but be cautious. We don't know them very well yet." Mace Windu said.

"Hrmm. Correct Master Windu is. Want your technology they do. Let them have it, do not. Must be kept safe, the jedis' information must be."

I nodded. "Anything else, master?"

"No. May the Force be with you."

The holoprojector ended and I turned around to see Danse looking at me at the doorway, not in the line of sight of my masters, of course. "What?" I asked, startling him.

"Oh, nothing." He said, walking away. He was out of his armor and in an orange uniform like Rhys.

"You heard me, didn't you?"

"Sorry I couldn't help it." he mumbled. "Who's the one who talks backward?"

I scoffed. "Why?"

"I was just wondering."

"I don't know..." I said, walking away.

"There's just something about you..."

"I know." I said.

"I guess I gotta go keep watch outside," he said, walking outside.

I went to Scribe Haylen and Rhys to get assignments and went to a bed Danse let me use. I went to sleep and woke up to a smell of coffee. I went into the main room after getting on a new tunic. 

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