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No one's POV

It's dinner at Jisoo's house. The dinner wasn't as cold as you think it is. It was warm and cheerful. Junkyu and Haruto never stop telling jokes to each other and laughing together. Jisoo would laugh along and tell jokes once in a while. Her family and BB are the only ones able to see this.

"What do you call a three humped camel?" Junkyu asked.

"Hmm.. i don't know." Jisoo said. "What is it?"

"Pregnant!" Junkyu exclaimed, followed by a loud laugh. Jisoo and Haruto laughed along with him.

"Noona!" Haruto called.


"We went to the Kingdom this afternoon."

"I know, Ruto-ya."

"And look what we got!" He flicked his hands and a block of ice was seen. He flicked his hand again and the ice broke, leaving the beautiful purple flower that was in it.

"Woah!" Jisoo smiled as she took the flower.

"It's the only one left in the world." Junkyu smiled sadly. "It's called The Snowfrost Sleet."

"The Snowfrost Sleet?" Jisoo asked, shocked knowing that this flower still existed. She read books about historical flora and faunas. This flower was one of the most legendary flower among the rest. Books say that this flower was named by people of the Snowflake Kingdom and Ice Frost Kingdom who longed for peace. They planted this silently outside the walls of their Kingdom.

But after years of battle, the field was ruined, and the people who used to long for peace with their enemies started becoming ambitious and aggresive until their hope was no longer there, just like what happened to Jisoo and Taehyung. The flower field was soon destroyed in one of the battles, telling everyone that the Frosts and the Flakes will never be one.

Haruto, who noticed the sad gaze from his cousin decided to ask, "noona, why are Frosts and Snowflakes fighting?"

Jisoo bit her lip as she continued looking at the beautiful blue and white colored flower. She sighed heavily, "i don't know. It's just always been that way even before any of us was born."

"No one knew why?" Junkyu looked at her sister.

She sighed again before answering, "some says one of our ancestors have been enemies since they were children. Their hatred towards each other kept on growing even until they turned old. Wanting to get revenge on each other, both decided to build armies by somehow asking people to help them defeat each other. The fight soon turned physical, and more people started joining until the Snowflake Kingdom and the Ice Frost Kingdom was made. So the two kingdoms fought and it still goes on from generation to generation." She paused.

"But some others say the two used to be together, but became enemy because they wanted to alone rule the whole nation. Other people say... huh, well there are many stories, different stories from different people and no one knew which was right."

"Even appa doesn't know?" He asked again.

"He said he doesn't." She answered.

"Why can't we just become one peaceful Kingdom?" Junkyu asked. "Why is everyone so selfish?"

Jisoo sadly laughed, "i wish i knew."

The two boys sighed.

"That's what Chanyeol oppa wanted to know too. But he failed." She looked down, still holding the flower. "They were too aggresive. Selfish. Think that they know everything." She clenched her fists, remembering the fight she had with the Frost Prince this afternoon.

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