Chapter 35 The Absolute NightSky

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No one's POV

Asuna was currently on her room sulking after she had an argument with her mother, and she look at her phone and look at the picture of her and Kirito during their date at the Imperial Palace, and also remembered talking about their future and also remembering his word from SAO.


Kirito: Asuna... you sure are strong. Way stronger than me...


Asuna: I'm not strong at all. In that world, I was a warrior. But here, "Lightning Flash Asuna" of the Knight of the Blood Oath is gone. In the real world, I don't have any real power.

Asuna then let out a drop of tears, when she suddenly heard a voice.

???: You got strength, Asuna...

Asuna's eyes then widened as she heard a voice as it was saying inside her head, and finally realized that it was none other than Sora and she remember one of her conversation she had with him in SAO.


Asuna was currently on her own searching for Zora and saw that he was sleeping under a tree and she couldn't help but smile.

Asuna(mind): It's just like when me and Kirito took a nap together.

Asuna then tapped his shoulder and shook his body a bit to wake him up and Zora slowly opened his eyes as his blue eyes seemed to glow under the tress's shadow and Zora noticed Asuna standing in front of him and he sat up.

Zora: *Yawn* Asuna? Do you need something?

Asuna: Hey Zora. Is Kirito with you right now?

Zora: He's off to the dungeon grinding! As for me, I'm taking a break and rest myself under the sun! You should find him if you head towards the 60th floor!

Asuna: Actually, I came here to talk to you... alone...

Zora just looked at her confused.

Zora: Sure, what's up?

Asuna then sat next to him and look towards the scenery, enjoying the wind breeze. There was an awkward moment of silent when Asuna broke it.

Asuna: Can I ask some advice about, Kirito?

Zora: Huh? What's this all of a sudden...?

Zora then look at her face and saw that she was blushing and Zora just chuckles a bit.

Zora: I see... so that's it...

Asuna: What?

Zora: You're in love with him! That face shows it all!

Asuna could feel her face heating up and Zora just smirked at her.

Zora: Oh man! I'm so gonna tell him now!

Zora went to stand up when Asuna quickly grabbed his hand preventing him from standing up.

Asuna: NOOOO! Don't!!!

Zora: I'm just kidding!

Zora just laugh a bit and sat back down and look at her.

Zora: So, what kind of advice do you need?

Asuna: Just how do you express... your feelings? I'm scared that he will reject me! So I need you to tell me all about him, since your always besides him.

Zora: If I were you, I would go straight towards him and tell him exactly how I feel.

Asuna: No! There's no way I could say something like that!

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