🥺 Heartfelt Apologies 🥰

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"I'm not people, 

I make mistakes,

I hurt people.

But when I say I'm sorry, I mean it."

~ Unknown


Chapter 21


Day 7 

"Alpha, I have some news." a messenger says, approaching me. I lean in and thank the person before I sprint back to the house, to my men. 

"He's here! He's here! Oh my god, he's here!" I shout, running back into our house. "Ohmygod, Our mate is here? I'm excited and nervous. Jesus, I'm about to throw up."

Taehyung runs into the room and yells, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S HERE?!"

"Namjoon! He's back!" Jin looks around horrified, "And the house looks a mess right now," Jin responds, cleaning the nearest table with the end of the shirt he was wearing.

"Okay, we should be fine, it's just Namjoon, guys."

"Right. You're right? Where is he? At the gates." Jin says, dashing to the kitchen to heat up some leftovers from the dinner he made last night. 

"Send someone to let him in, get him here to the house." Tae requests, frantically. "Should I change?" You mind-linked a warrior to get Namjoon and send him to the alpha house. 

"No, you look great like always," I say, closing the distance between us before kissing him gently. His shoulders relaxed and he let out a breathe, "\Why is this so nerve-wracking? It's just Namjoon." He reaches around her and hugs her back.

"He's our  Namjoon, who we haven't seen in a while and have missed so much. It's natural for us to be nervous and want to impress him."

Jin came from behind me and joined the hug. "When did you become so wise?" He whispers against my neck, inhaling my scent, which calmed him instantly. 

"I have always been wise, jinnie." He growled playfully at the nickname, nipping her ear gently.

The air between us was getting heavier with need when the doorbell rang. We detangled from one another, standing in a line at the front door.

"Who's gonna answer the door?"  

"I'll go," Jin says, squeezing my hand and kissing my cheek.

He stepped forward, grabbed the doorknob, and pulled it open wide. I couldn't really see Namjoon behind Jin's wide frame but I could smell him and I felt whole and at peace. I squeezed Tae's hand, knowing we probably felt the same thing. 

Jin and Namjoon stared at each other for a moment before Namjoon enclosed him in a hug and scented him. They released each other and Namjoon turned to Tae and I, enclosing us in a bear hug, scenting us simultaneously. 

"I missed you guys so fucking much," He growls against Tae's neck, thoroughly scenting him.

Tae giggled, "I can tell!", hugging him harder. Namjoon turns to me and I bear my neck, inviting him to scent me too. I didn't want to admit it but I need this as desperately as he did, "Was it that bad?" I ask as he scented me.

"Absolutely unbearable." He growls against my collarbone. I gasp at the feeling, making eye contact with Jin, who is smirking, over Namjoons shoulder.

We pulled away from the hug, "I had brought gifts for you all." Namjoon says, turning and grabbing three bouquets of flowers off the front porch and a few shopping bags.

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙐𝙨, 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 || BTS + ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now