57 - Cake

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"You sure you'll be alright with the kids whilst i'm gone?" Isaiah questions kissing his wife lips, and she nods, "now go, bad man" Charlotte teases pushing him out the door.

"Now boys, what do you want to do today?" Charlie asks her twins, "cake" they cheer, "you've been spending too much time with Diego," Charlotte laughs taking each of their hands and walking with them to the kitchen, lifting them onto the sides.

They were a lot heavier than they used to be, she noticed, as she got all the ingredients out for them to bake.

"Who wants to help first?" she asks and they both put their hands up, "mama pick me" Nate says, "let him, he likes it" DJ says, she loved that about her kids, they were always looking out for each other, putting the other first.

"Okay, so Wes, you pour this powder in this bowl, until it balances with that side" Charlie instructs handing him the bag of flour, watching with a smile as he pouring the flour into the scales, his tongue poking out as he made his concentration face.


The cake had just come out of the oven, all 3 of them were covered in various ingredients, "it has to cool down, so lets all go and get washed up whilst it does, eh" Charlotte suggests and they nod, hopping from the chairs with a little help from their mum.

Both boys then chasing each other up the stairs, giggling as Charlie scooped both of them up in her arms carrying them into the bathroom, running the bath for them, as they got undressed.

Jumping into the tub once they were unclothed, the twins began playing with the bubbles and splashing water at Charlie, who was now drenched as her kids laughed.

After they'd all gotten washed and into new clothes, they went back downstairs, to see Finn, Isaiah, Aberama and Harrison sat round the living room, Finn on a blanket as Aberama squeezed his arm, blood oozing out.

"Boys, lets go to the kitchen, i smell something good" Isaiah says standing and guiding his kids away so they couldn't see their uncles bullet wound.

"Take this" Harrison says handing him some whiskey, which Finn chugs handing the bottle off to his sister, who was now sat beside him, holding his hand as he winced at Aberamas prodding.

"Got tweezers, Lion?" Aberama questions and she nods pointing to a sewing box next to him, Linda bought it for her, thought it was something she might 'enjoy'.

Taking the whiskey from her, he drenches the tweezers, letting Finn take another gulp, "Harrison come on" Charlie sighs pinning one of Finns shoulders down as Harrison helps.

"Hold him, hold him" Aberama says putting the needles into the wound, digging around for the bullet, as Finn screams clutching her hand and thrashing in their grasp.

"Here ya go" Aberama breathes out holding the bullet up. "Harrison, go to the cupboard over there, theres some shirts and some cloths" Charlotte instructs

"Now what the fuck is going on?" Charlie asks, looking between the three of them, as Harrison chucks a top at Finn, who had unbuttoned his removing it, using it to clean his arm before taking the cloth wrapping it round his arm, then putting the new one on.

"Finn, you fucking idiot, three inches to the left and that would've been you gone" Charlie scolds smacking his head, as he groans.

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