58- The Stables

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"You 3 armed?" Polly asks as Arthur, Tommy and Charlotte enter the Garrison.
"Yeah" Tommy nods, "yeah" Arthur adds.

"Charlie?" Polly questions and she nods, "course I am."

"Well would you please consider putting your weapons behind the bar, in case feelings begin to run high?" Polly instructs.

"Behind the bar Pol, eh? In my own fuckin pub." Arthur replies, dramatically unloading all his bullets onto the floor and putting it on the table in-front of her.

"Thomas, Charlotte" Polly says and they sigh, Tommy placing his gun and Charlie placing her two on the counter.

"And the knives" Polly states, and Charlotte reluctantly bends down, grabbing the knife from her shoe placing it on the counter.

"The one in your waistband, and your holster." Polly says. "Fine." Charlie replies, brushing her jacket aside, revealing a switchblade, retrieving it, then reaching behind her back and revealing a second, stepping forwards then placing them next to Arthur's gun on the table in front of them.

"Happy?" Charlie asks, and her aunt lets out a satisfied hum.

"I had a dream about a black cat last night, Pol. A black cat dream means there is a traitor close by. It was you who taught me that." Tommy speaks.

"A black cat can mean lots of things, it can mean you're hurting yourself, betraying yourself. Are you seeing things, Thomas?" Polly replies.

"Yes, i am. Yes, i am. Very clearly. Coming from every fucking direction" Tommy says as Polly walks over opening the door, which Michael and a blonde woman walk through.

"Tommy, I'd like you to meet my wife. I would also like to, er, say something," Michael says, "sit down, Michael." Tommy demands.

"I betrayed you."

"Michael!" Polly scolds, "but only in my heart. There was a time, in America, when there was a lot of money in that bank. And i wondered, i could- i could leave, move to California. Someone said i should invest in pictures. Hollywood." Michael speaks, and Arthur scoffs.

"But Gina stopped me, Gina said that-" "I told you to sit down Michael" Tommy interrupts, and Michael pulls the chair out next to his mother.

"Now tell me, what happened on that ship, in Belfast harbour?" Tommy asks.

"On the journey back from New York, we got married. But we needed to find a witness, a purser. He was from Belfast, we got friendly." Michael explains.

"Ans what happened when the ship docked?" Tommy inquires, "this purser had friends who ran a whiskey distillery in County Tyrone. They wanted a way of getting their stuff to America. So i said, okay invite them aboard. When they came in, i realised that they didnt make whiskey. They were Scottish, from Glasgow. Couldn't understand a fucking word they were saying. They started swearing, so i asked Gina to leave." Michael replies.

"And did she?" Charlie says eyeing the blonde, "she did," Michael confirms.

"That's when they started talking about you, Tom. They said that Tommy Shelby was a spent force. No longer had his partner in crime by his side everyday." Michael says, looking at Charlie before continuing, "that politics had got to him. That he was spent in the head. That now was a good time to move in, and did i want to be a part of it? They knew about the money we lost in America. They said you were gonna blame me, that you had a bullet with my name on it."

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