Chapter 4.1

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" She did What!? " Sirius yelled, tucking his hair angrily.

" Calm down Padfoot! " James told his friend sternly.

" Sirius, I must say - whatever she did was right " McGonagall said calmly.

" M-Minnie- B-But she is my - my daughter - I want to meet her - p-please ! " Sirius croaked , his voice shaking .

" You won't be doing as much as to go near the girl Sirius " McGonagall said as she felt her voice slightly shaking with anger.

" Why? " Sirius asked.

" Why? You ask me , Black? " McGonagall said as she stood up from the couch she was sitting on.

" You left her! You left S-Selena! If she meant so much to you - then you shouldn't have broken Selena's heart ! All this is your fault Black! Do not dare drag the girl into this, and do not go near her! I forbid you! " McGonagall yelled.

" Why Minerva? Why!? I am her FATHER !" Sirius yelled .

" You dare call yourself her father? You lost your right to be her father right after you left her! She is living a life in hell - All because of YOU! " McGonagall yelled. She couldn't believe that one of her favourite ex-students ,whom she considered a son, might do something as cheap like this. She had stopped talking to him for the whole 8 years after he cheated on Selena, this was the only time they had a proper conversation in years and he had already disappointed her....again.

" Minerva - please let me see Ariel, just once, please - you know where she is - take me to her, please! " Sirius pleaded, he didn't ask help from James or Lily to convince McGonagall - knowing that they would deny him too.

" My answer is no! " Minerva said. With that she got up and hurried towards the door of Potter cottage.

Before leaving, she shot at Sirius -

" I see so much of you in her. Her father neglected her just like your parents did to you. She hates her blood related Family -just like you do. And, she has made it very clear that she doesn't need her family, just like you did many years ago. I know you very well Sirius - And I just want to teach you the consequences of your actions. I hope that you have understood what you lost 8 years ago - And remember, broken bonds can't be fixed easily . I wish you three a nice day " And with that, McGonagall left behind a dumbfounded James and Lily along with a Broken Sirius - who very much regretted his actions.

But as I said - Choices are made by you, they can't be fixed by regretting afterwards...........

Bruises ( Ariel Celeste Black)Where stories live. Discover now