Chapter 13

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Tom's Pov

Jordan is still sound asleep in my arms. The banishment hit him hardest.

Don't get me wrong Tucker and Sonja were bumbed about it but Jordan......

Jordan rolls over and hides his face in my chest. His fits knot in the seam of my shirt.

I should go so nobody expects anything. But I can't leave Jordan, not without saying anything.

I feel Jordan's breaths start speeding up, "Iani...." I shake him awake mid-scream.

His face shows nothing but panic. His eyes fill with tears and I pull him in my arms.

"Its okay.. I'm here, I'm here." I whisper over and over trying to calm Jordan down.

"He killed her." Jordan sobs. "Who killed who?" I ask rubbing my hand up and down Jordan's back.

"Helgrind k....kill....killed I.....Ianite." I slowly rock Jordan back and forth.

"She's safe remember we saved her." I whisper to him. I feel him nod then bury his head in my shoulder.

We sit in silence for what feel like far to long. "Tom, I love ya" Jordan says lighting the mood.

"Love ya too Sparkly Pants!" I reply. "So what's on today's agenda?" He asks.

"Well I'm planning on working more on the temple of legends. What about you?"

"Tucker and I are working towards the deep dark dimension." Jordan pulls away from me now.

"They're not gonna change us." He says tears resurfacing in his eyes. 

"Never." I whisper back wiping one of Jordan's tears.

"Sparklez I'll see you later, tonight." I say and Jordan frowns.

"See you then." He gives me a kiss and I pull him closer, deeping our kiss.

Jordan pulls back and lets me leave. I wish I could stay, but you and I both know I can't.

Jordan's Pov

Tucker and I get the last little bit of cobble needed to get to the deep dark.

It's a little past sunset and both of us are extremely tired.

"Call it a day and we'll explore it tomorrow?" Tucker asks and I agree.

"See ya around noonish! I'm looking forward to it!" I yell as Tucker walks back to his house.

Andor's Pov

I've never been one to cry or even get upset in public.

It's just something about seeming in weak that frightens me.

I wish I could talk to Jordan, but I know that's probably not an option.

I feel protective over him. I'm not sure why, maybe its just because he's like me.

I'm crying now. I wish I could just get everything off my chest!

Its hard to be expected to be perfect! Its hard to have so many things expected of you.

"Are you okay?" Jordan asks sitiing in next to me in the grass. I instantly wipe my tears.

"Yeah I'm fine." I reply trying to hide the wavering in my voice. I fail, but I guess it was worth a try?

"You sure?" Jordan scoots a little closer to me. I feel my heart speed up as his shoulder touches my own.

"I'm just stressed out. That's all." I say scooting away from him.

"Wanna talk about it?" No, but I will.

"I mean its hard to be expected to be amazing. And to be 'normal' when I just want to be myself." I say,

Tears running down my face. Jordan pulls me into a hug which causes me to cry more.

"I wish I could tell him everything." I pause and let out a sob.

"Its hard to hide everything from the only family I have left." Jordan holds me tighter.

"I know. Its all gonna be okay. I promise." He whispers along with other reassuring things.

I pull away and Jordan smiles at me. I return the smile. "Thanks Jordan." I whisper.

"Anytime that's what friends are for!" He says, causing us both to laugh.

"I'll see you around?" Jordan asks and I nod.

"Yeah, you should get home. Before Tom gets there." I says wiping my eyes.

Jordan's Pov

I remember being in the state Andor is now. Before Tom came,

when I wanted nothing more than to be accepted. Its hard, really hard.

I think its important for all of us, no matter what god, to know we aren't alone.

We're all one big family now. Tom, Tucker, Sonja, Andor, Steve, and myself.

We need to know we have each others backs. And no matter what happens in the future,

I'll make sure everyone knows that. And I mean everyone.

Just Friends? (A SyndiSparklez fanfic) (book 1)(BoyxBoy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora