Chapter 14

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Tom's Pov

That Prince needs to back off. Everyday when Jordan says goodbye ay the gates, he's with him.

Tucker's keeping an eye on Jordan for me. But I'm not to worried about Jordan, more of that little....

"Tom?!" Jordan says breaking my thoughts.

"Yes?" I reply,

"You we're looking at me like I was a meal." Andor says, ops.

"That's not my fault. Besides who invited you anyways?"

"He didn't need to be invited Thomas." Jordan snaps. I can't be angry at him,

Its sexy when he calls me Thomas.

"I'll see you tonight." I say pulling Jordan close to me. He wraps his arms around me and I feel him sigh.

"Love you, I'll see you tonight?" Jordan asks looking up at me.

"I'll see you then." I reply and Jordan give me a shy kiss.

I watch him and Andor walk back into the town. I can't help but be jealous.

Jordan's Pov

I glance back over my shoulder to find Tom staring, not at me, but at Andor.

He's been acting different lately. Especially around Andor.

"You okay?" Andor's perky voice says, breaking my thoughts.

"Oh, umm yeah I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, but I do have to help Sonja with planting more blooms today." I lie.

Andor frowns, "Okay I'll see you around I guess."

I walk over to Sonja's and her and Tucker are in the middle of a deep make out session.

I miss when Tom kissed me like that. I walk in and Sonja jerks back.

"Jordan umm." She blushes,

"Love is weird." I joke but Tucker isn't having any of it.

"You said noonish! Its like ten!" He playfully yells.

"Tucker its eleven thirty! Now lets go, you can't blame me for being excited!"

Tucker, Sonja, and I boat over to Tom's little island.

Travel Time Skip

"You owe us Sparklez!" I hear Sonja yell before they're boat disappears out of sight.

I walk into Tom's tree and he's not here! Maybe I should've told him I was coming over.

I guess I've never really had a look around here, so now should be fine.

I start looking through Tom's tree, and chests, but shhh you herd nothing!

"Sparklez?! What are you doing?" Tom says, scaring the crap out of me.

"Umm nothing! I came to see you and you weren't here." I say letting my gaze fall to the ground.

"So you we're digging through my chests?" Tom asks, innocently.

"Maybe." I hope he isn't mad. He's never even raised his voice at me before!

Its scary to imagine him being mad. Tom gently pushes me against the wall and rests his body on mine.

"You're lucky I love you." He says giving me a deep and passionate kiss. There it is, the kiss I've been craving for weeks.

"So what brings you to my island!" Tom pulls away from me, but interweines our hands.

Just Friends? (A SyndiSparklez fanfic) (book 1)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now