Chapter 27

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Jordan's Pov

Tom had to go off again today. Him, Sonja, Tucker, and Wag. They said something about the Earth Guardian, but I'm not sure.

I travel over to, the now taint free, Dagrun. I'm kinda avoiding Tucker. Any chance he gets to tease me he will. So I'm glad he went.

Last time I saw him he told me I cheated on Capsize. That's just how he jokes so I can't get offended.

"Spark Plug!" Ianite yells running over to me. "You ok?" I ask.

"Your friends, they went to Inertia. Steve found him."


"Calm down." Ianite says softly. I can't believe Tom would lie to me about this!

"When did they say they'd be back?"

"Tom didn't tell me much. He just told me not to worry. That he'd deal with you later. I could've stopped him. I'm sorry." She answers looking down.

"You couldn't have done anything. Tom is Tom and will do as Tom pleases."

"You got anything to do today?" Ianite asks trying to change the topic.

"Well I was gonna work towards getting the rocket so we could go save Andor. But I guess that's not needed."

Time Skip

"Perfect." Ianite says as we finish the Fortress or Fury.

"Well I wouldn't say its perfect, but its fairly close."

"I think its perfect!" Ianite says and I smile. I wonder what Tom..... I'm reminded he's still not back. I hope they're okay.

"Spark Plug? You oka...."

"I'm fine." I snap and guilt floods into my veins. I shouldn't have snapped at her like that.

"You're worried." Ianite says taking hold of my arm.

"How could I not be worried? I mean Tom and the others should be back by now."

"You underestimate how hard breaking someone out of a prision is. You know why they left without telling you?" She says harshly.

"Yes, I would like to know why they just up and left."

"You remember what Steve told you. About that place being filled with Mianite troops?" Ianite pauses,

"Well Steve was scared someone would say something that would set you off. Therefore blowing their cover." What the hell do she or Steve mean by this?!?!

"What do you mean by...."

"Jordan." Andor's weak, shaky voice says from behind me. I turn and everyone's returned, even Steve.

"Andor!" I gently pull him into a hug and he hugs back.

Tom's Pov

I watch as Jordan and Andor have their 'moment' or whatever.

Its extremely hard not to get jealous. But I know it wouldn't be fair to Jordan for me to act up.

Jordan pulls away and instantly pulls me into a hug. "Don't you ever leave me like that again!" He yells, Wag awwes.

I close my eyes and bury my head in the crook of Jordan's neck. Being away from him is horrible. Especially leaving him with a lie.

"So you two are getting married when?" Andor asks causing Jordan to pull away from me.

"Well since we were kind of waiting on you, I don't see why we can't get married tomorrow!" Jordan says and I laugh.

"Whoa there Sparklez! Slow down a bit we haven't gave out invinataions yet. Give it a few days."

"So soon?" Andor asks standing next to Ianite.

"Sooner than soon." I say intertwining Jordan's fingers with my own.

"Well umm I actually need to talk to you about that." Jordan says directed towards Andor.

"Okay! Umm when and where?" Andor replies glancing at me then back at Jordan.

"Tonight and here if possible."

"Perfect I'll see you then." We all go our separate ways, but I pull Tucker and Sonja to the side of our little group.

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to be my best man? Sonja, my maid of honor?" I ask and they both nod.

"Of course! We'd love to!" Sonja cherps happily.

"Its a honor." Tucker replies and we all share a laugh.

"So how was fighting the earth guardian?!" Jordan half yells at us.

Sonja's Pov (ooOOoo something different!)

Tom goes white as a sheet. Tucker protectively throws an arm around my shoulders.

"It was great actually!" Tom replies and I sigh. Hopefully there won't be a argument over this.

"So who told you? That we left for Inertia?" I ask.


"How'd I not know that! That girl can't keep a secret for the life of her...." Tom's voice trails off.

"She can keep a secert, just not from her Spark Plug!" Ianite snaps at Tom. Then something happens I haven't seen in a long time, Jordan laughs.

Now don't get me wrong I've seen him smile. But its been a hell of a long time since he's full on laughed.

"Your Spark Plug?" Tom questions and I notice Jordan blushing.

Jordan's Pov

I walk over to Tom who pulls me into his arms.

"Ulg fine! Our Spark Plug." Ianite corrects herself.

"Justice has been served! Jordan I know you've gotta meet Andor here in a few minutes. So I'll see you at home?" Tom asks.

"See you there." I give Tom a quick kiss before letting him disappear off with Sonja, Tucker, and Wag.

"I'm gonna ask him to be my best man." I say sitting next to Ianite.

"He'll say yes. Knowing Andor he will."

"I'll what?" Andor asks sitting across from Ianite and myself.

"I was wondering if you wanted to be my best man." Andor glances to Ianite then back at me.

"Of course." He whispers clearly upset. He won't talk with her here. I know it.

"Ianite can...." I start but she waves her hand at me and exits.

"Andor what's wrong?" I ask moving my chair closer to his.

"Its just..." he sighs before continuing.

"I really liked you. And to see you marry Tom breaks my heart. But at the same time he makes you happy so I'm okay with it." This time its my eyes that water. I knew he gave himself up because of me.

"Was it my fault? That you suicided?" I whisper looking away from him. Andor lifts my chin, sending chills down my spine.

"No, it wasn't your fault. And I didn't suicide. I simply said what needed to be said. I mean everyone would've found out eventually." I give Andor a smile and Ianite rejoins us.

"Jordan... I mean Spark Plug, wants to know if you'll walk him down the isle!" Andor randomly blurts.

"Of course I will! But you two wrap it up. Because Andor you and I have got a ton to talk about. And Tom must be getting worried, I'll see you tomorrow to help with invitations." Ianite says and I give her a brief hug.

Tom's Pov

I hate going to bed without Jordan. But I'm fucking tired!

I cut off the light and pull the covers up to my neck.

I close my eyes and just before I slip out of consciousness I feel a pair of hands slide around me.

"Good night love." Jordan whispers kissing my forehead.

Just Friends? (A SyndiSparklez fanfic) (book 1)(BoyxBoy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant