Chapter 29

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Jordan's Pov

"I'm gonna go see what's up." Tucker says and Sonja stays with me. I called them. I called because I didn't know what to do.

Its a day before my wedding, and this happens! "What did you do?!" Sonja snaps at me.

"Andor........" Tom answers for me,

"I KNEW T....T...THAT STUPID PRINCE WASN'T TO BE TRUSTED!!!!" Tom cries and Sonja gasps.

"Before you yell at me. He leaned in first." I half whisper,

"I don't care! You closed that gap! Ughh!" Sonja storms out leaving me alone.

She's right, I made the choice to let it happen. I don't know what I was thinking!

Tucker walks out and gives me a disapproving look.

"Good luck with Tom." Is all he says before walking out and slamming the door behind him.

I walk in and Tom's sobbing to the point its causing him to not be able to breathe.

"Tom look I'm......"

"I don't care!" Tom yells looking back at me over his shoulder.

"Tom just...." I get interrupted again.


Tom's Pov

I can't function. I would've rather been shot in the heart then have this happen a day before my wedding.

"Tom breathe." Ianite says sitting next to me. If she's here, Andor must be too.

"Go away." I snap at her. I don't want or need her help!

"Tom I saw what happened and its not as bad as you think." Ianite says placing her hand on my back.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN IT'S NOT AS BAD AS I THINK!" I yell and both Andor and Jordan rush in.

I'm standing now, Jordan looks horrified. I should beat the shit out of Andor right now....

"Tom it really wasn't any...." Andor starts but I don't want his say in it.

"You keep your mouth shut! This is between me and my fiance!"

"Tom just listen to what I have to say!"

Jordan's Pov

Has Andor lost his fucking mind! You don't yell at Tom when he's like he is now.

"I will and can beat all living hell out of you! And no one in this room will stop me." Tom says wiping his tears.

"Go ahead! Ain't nothing I'm not use to!" Andor replies,

"Andor! But Tom in all honesty it really isn't as horrible as you assume it was." Ianite says, trying to back me up a bit.

"Imagine the original Spark, imagine him kis...."

"That's enough Tom." I snap after seeing a tear roll down Ianite's face.

"You know when you agreed to marry me, I thought you knew better then to go around letting people kiss you. But I guess I was wrong." Tom says his tears returning.

"And I thought your dad would've tought you to keep your hands off married men! Or women I guess but you get the point." He finishes.

"Leave Helgrind out of this! He did a fine job parenting Andor!" Ianite yells over my shoulder.

"You know what, this is useless. He's not gonna listen to us so what's the point. I'm leaving." Andor snaps and rolls his eyes as he walks out.

"You'll be okay?" Ianite whispers only loud enough for me to hear.

"I'll be okay. I'll see you tomorrow." I whisper back to her. She leaves without another word tears still in her eyes.

"Tom that went WAY to far." I say once I hear the front door shut.

"You think I went to far?!?!?! I'm not the one who....."

"Tom it was only a peck if not less! Once it happened I realized what I did. And I'm sorry! I didn't think It'd get that far." I apologize. 

"You're still sleeping on the couch tonight."

"If that's what makes you happy." I take my pillow and walk to the couch. Welp, I've been couched.

Tom's Pov

I sit with my back against the wall. I let all the tears I've held in out. I'm full on sobbing again, and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

I move only to grab my pillow and turn the light off. I don't know what more I can do!

I gave Jordan everything! I gave him a home when he needed it, I gave him a friend when he felt he didn't have any, and I gave him my heart. But none of that was enough I guess.

Just Friends? (A SyndiSparklez fanfic) (book 1)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now