Chpater 35

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Jordan's Pov

I wake up wrapped in Tom's loving arms. In less than four hours hours he's gonna be my husband.

I kiss Tom gently and he instantly kisses back.

"Good morning Thomas." I whisper brushing his wild morning hair back.

"Morning Jardon." Tom leans up to kiss me again.

"Tom you can have the first shower." I whisper as Tom fights to stay awake.

"What time is it?"

"9 a.m. hun and knowing you you're gonna wanna be early." I pet Tom's head trying to get him to wake up.

"Its not like Martha's not gonna force us to be early anyways!""

"Hey! Be nice, she is, in a way, my daughter." I say and Tom rolls his sleepy eyes.

"Fine." Tom gives me one more quick kiss before getting up to take a shower.

Time Skip

We meet Martha at the cathedral the wizards built for us.

"Okay you two, say your goodbyes before the wedding." She says.

Tom gives me a peck on the cheek, "See you soon." He whispers then walks off with Tucker and Steve.

Wag shows up and we walk into our little dressing room area.

Time Skip (dress)

Steve and Tucker walk over and we all, the girls included, look amazing, in the manlinessest way possible.

"Excited?" Ianite asks taking my arm.

"How could I not be?!" I say happily. "Have you seen Andor?" I feel myself go pale, Sonja's face drains of all color as well.

"He's er..." Steve starts but seems as if unable to explain.

"He's giving Tom 'the talk'!" Tucker blurts and I smile. Understandable.

"Well you lady's look amazing. You all look so tall." I say trying to talk my nerves out.

Tom's Pov

"...and if you hurt him my vengeance will be swift. Hear me!" Andor snaps but I'm not really paying attention.

"If you touch again him my vengeance will also be swift." I murmur adjusting my tie.

"Whatever now I've gotta go...." Andor turns to leave but I know if he does I'm gonna let my nerves get the best of me.

"Andor wait! If you go send Tucker or Steve my way! Please." I say my voice tappering off.

"Why? Everything ok?" Andor raises an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah I'm just nervous I guess." Andor nods and runs off.

Jordan's Pov

Andor joins us, about time I guess. His eyes are everywhere but me. I can't even begin to imagine what he's feeling right now. But he smiles before giving me a quick hug.

"Tom's crazy nervous, so Tucker you may wanna go listen to him talk his head off. That's basically what I've let him do for the past hour." Andor says placing a gentle arm around Ianite.

"Wizard, you look quite handsome." Ianite says blushing. Wag also blushes, how could I make this anymore awkward?

"And you, gorgeous." Wag says bending down to kiss Ianite's hand.

"Jordan." Martha pauses and look be dead in the eyes.

"Its time. The church is packed full! All wanting to see our hero's wedding." She says. Tucker and Steve rejoin us. I see Steve fiddling something in his pocket and I have a strong feeling I know what it is. He nods at me and mouths,

Just Friends? (A SyndiSparklez fanfic) (book 1)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now