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chapter fifteen: kidnapped
"leave him alone!"

auroral jumped awake, feeling a shock run through her body. she looked around to see that she was in some kind of basement, making her furrow her eyebrows. she then heard whimpers coming from beside her, making her shoot her head towards the sound. her eyes widened, seeing erica and boyd, their hands tied up to the ceiling and having wires running from around their wrists. they also had tape covering their mouths, and tears coming from their eyes as they whimpered.

she went to go move towards them, but felt something holding her back. she looked down to see that she was tied to a chair. she had seen wires tied around with the rope too, making her furrow her eyebrows.

"that will explain me being shocked. . ." she said to herself. "what is up with this family and tying to me to chairs?"

she tried to wiggle around a bit, trying to get loose. but she froze, feeling a slight shock coming from the wires. she quickly tried to trace the wire and see where it was coming from, but had only seen that it went into a dark corner. she shifted her regular eyes into their white form so that she could see in the dark.

she had seen gerard, standing there with a remote in his hand.

"why don't you come out into the light?" she questioned, seeing a smile spread onto his face.

"ahh, right." gerard said, taking a step forward. "you're one of my smarter students. see, these two, they didn't even use their enhanced eye sight to see where they were. they just tried to escape. hi, aurora."

aurora glared up at the older man, trying to wiggle free from the rope and wires that was tied around her.

"you don't seem so happy to see me." gerard said.

"that's because i'm not." she told him. she heard boyd and erica whimpering still, making her look at them before she turned back to gerard. "you can do whatever you want with me, just let them go."

"i can't do that." gerard said. "at least, not until one of them tells me where derek is."

"why do you wanna know?" she asked.

"that. . . is none of your business." gerard answered. "do you see this remote in my hand?"

"kinda hard to miss it since it's connected to one of the wires that's tied around me." aurora answered sarcastically.

"well, if i raise the electricity on it, you'll feel it." gerard continued.

"i'm assuming that theirs is connected to it too?" aurora asked.

"no, actually. this is all for you. this allows me to raise it to a higher point than theirs because i know you're stronger than them." gerard told her.

"so if you know i'm stronger than them, you know that i'll be able to escape." aurora pointed out.

gerard released a chuckle. "you know, the thing about all supernatural creatures is that. . . if you was to shoot them or stab them in any of their body, and leave the bullet or blade that you used in that same spot, they can't heal. in fact, because you're not healing, you're getting weaker."

𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓, teen wolf 1Where stories live. Discover now