!Pikachu x Reader!

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Art is not mine!

Enjoy the electrifying chapter~

Type: Fluff

~Your p.o.v.~

I was walking down the sidewalk, the Sun setting. The sky was pink fading into orange, then in the other side it was a dark blue with stars shining. "Pika!" "Pickachu!" I groaned.

"What Pikachu?" Pickachu grabbed his stomach and on cue his stomach growled. I picked him up and put him on my shoulder.

Pickachu zapped me playfully "Hey! That wasnt very nice!" "Pika!" I rolled my eyes "I know your hungry! We have to get home first!" "Chu!" my house came into view.

I sauntered over to my door, I opened it "Wait...I locked it before I left!" panic was rising in me. 'Someone could have robbed me, MY POKEMON!' I rushed in my house, nothing seemed out of order.

~3rd person p.o.v.~

The smell of food hit you and pikachu's nose "PIKACHU" pikachu ran into the kitchen. You ran after him, you stopped in the door way of your kitchen.

Your Eevee, Litten, Snorlax, and Glaceon were all human. They had there features (ears, tails, marks, ect.) You stopped "Oh hey (Y/n)! We made dinner for you after your long day of training!" Glaceon said before giving you a hug.

Dinner was set, we all sat down "Pika..." Pikachu said before his ears dropped down.

You felt bad so you picked Pikachu up and placed him next to you. Pickachu ate happily giving you a few glances. Litten sat on the other side of you and smirked "So (y/n)~ How about we go on a date tommorow?" You blushed and covered your face.

A yellow dust filled the room, Snorlax started to cough along with you. Eevee sneezed "ACHOO!" "Bless you!" Snorlax said. Eevee smiled and thanked him. Snorlax gave Litten a wink and Eevee gave him a thumbs up.

You gave them all weird looks, Glaceon just gave them glares "Dont give it away!" she whispered to them.

You shrugged and looked over to where the dust was coming from.


~Pikachu's p.o.v.~

I heard (Y/n) scream, I gave her a worried look. She was so red "G-get some c-lothes on!" I looked down and I was naked.

I got up and went to her room "...SHE SAW ME NAKED!" I freaked out and put some clothes on.

I put on black sweatpants and a pastel yellow hoodie "...I look smexy" I heard laughing coming from behind me.

I turned around and saw (Y/n), I turned away and blushed. She walked to me and hugged me "Your human now!" I nodded. She gave me a concerned look and felt my forehead "Your burning up!" She sat me down on the bed.

"Let me get you a ice pack" (Y/n) said as she walked and got a ice pack. She walked back to me and placed it on my forehead. I gave her a soft smile.

She sat next to me "Do you still have your powers?" I shrugged "Try it" I looked at her and tapped her cheek and playfully zapped her.

(Y/n) glared at me "Why did you have to use it on me!" I laughed until she tackled me on the bed, so that I was under her, and she started to tickle me.

I laughed, she smiled triumphantly.

~Your p.o.v.~

Pikachu flipped me and he pinned me to the bed "This is revenge~" I blushed and started to laugh as he tickled me.

Tears rolled down my face "P-PIKACHU! STOP! I-I CANT BREATH!" Pikachu smiled and booped my nose. I giggled and someone sneezed. Pikachu helped me up, and he wrapped his arm protectively around me.

Pickachu put his free hand up and charged up his power. I blushed Eevee opened the door.

There were my pokemon smirking holding a camera "Looks like we got it~" Litten said while high giving Snorlax. Pickachu put his hand down but kept me in my arms.

Glaceon smiled "For your children!" Snorlax snickered "And grandchildren" I blushed redder than pickachu's cheek.

Pikachu just gave me a smirk, that smirk where you know they are gonna do something. Pickachu blushed slightly  and let me go but held my hands, he looked into my eyes.

"(Y/n)? Will you be my girlfriend?" my mouth dropped "Better close that mouth or you will catch flies" Eevee snickered.

I brought Pikachu closer (SAVE ROOM FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT!) and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist to deepen the kiss.

I pulled apart "Yes. And...I love you"

"I love you too (Y/n)..."

The end
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Author-chan out✌!

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