!Giranta x Reader!

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Art is not mine!

Type: Angst and Fluff

⚠️ABUSE WARNING⚠️ Please do not read if you will get upset or triggered!




~Your p.o.v.~

"(Y/N)! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HEAR!" I winced, and ran downstairs. (B/f) punched me in the face, I held my cheek in pain. Tears dropped down my face "DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO COVER YOU BRUISES!" I quickly nodded "THEN GO DO IT!" I ran back upstairs, and put my make-up on. We were going to my parents house to have a fancy dinner, they didn't know what was happening. No one did.

I came downstairs, and we walked out, into my car. I drove over to my parents house, and parked. (B/f) wrapped his arm around my shoulder, I tensed up, and he glared at me. I knocked on the door, and put a big fat smile on my face.  My Mom answered "Omg! (F/n)! (Y/n) and (B/f) name is here!" (F/n) came into view, and welcomed us in. (B/f) sat down, and I sat down by him.

My father, and mother exchanged looks, and smiled. I didn't think much of it, I took some turkey, and mashed potatoes. We began to eat, and (B/f) held my hand. I noticed how he was being overly-affectionate, I started to get suspicious. The maids came out with dessert, and it was a giant Lava cake, with chocolate syrup running down the sides, with the side of some chocolate icecream.

My mouth watered, and I started to eat dessert. After that, we walked into the garden, wild pokemon were playing in the garden, I smiled at how they were having so much fun. My parents sat down at a near-by bench giving me a weird smile, and I tilted my head. (B/f) twirled me around, and as my vision cleared, and he was on one knee.

"(Y/n) (L/n)? Will you make me the happiest man and Marry Me?" His soft eyes turned cold, I gulped. My parents were waiting for my answer. (B/f) vave me a deadly look, I knew deep down I couldn't say no. I smiled, and held back tears "Yes! Yes I will marry you!" I sniffed "These are happy tears!" I knew it was the end. My parents walked off with (B/f), to discuss the wedding plans, already. I ran off into the garden, the pokemon giving me sad looks.

The pokemon gathered around me, and cuddled me, I giggled "Thanks guys..." (B/f) came back, alone. He shoved the pokemon away, a  for the money. Then, I'll take your money, and divorce you." I glared at him. A pikachu zapped him "PIKKAAAA!" (B/f) kicked the pikachu, I pushed (B/f) away "Leave the poor pokemon alone! Your so heartless!" (B/f) grabbed my arm, and twisted it.


I cried out in pain, (B/f) laughed, and walked away. I held my arm, a bruise formed where his hand was, and I couldn't move it. I ran into the wood, to my favorite place. It was overgrown with vines, and weeds, because I haven't been here in a long time. The moon was already out, and I sat on the swing. My life replaying in my head, tears falling, the silence was filled with my sobs "Why- Why?" I sobbed into my hands.

"Why what dear?" I jumped, and turned around. There was a man, with white hair, red eyes, and clothes that royalty would wear. I sniffed "W-who are you?" the man laughed "My name is Giranta, you?" "(Y/n)." I turned back around "Uh- sorry I n-normally look presentable." I felt arms hug my figure. I tensed up "Its ok. Let it out Dear." tears started to fall, again. I hugged Giranta back, and screamed into his chest, his eyes were filled with pity. After 10 minutes, I stopped, and we were both sitting under the moon, in swings. He noticed I havent moved my arm, and put his hand on it. My arm glowed, and I could move it again, I smiled "Thank you so much!" I stared at my arm.

Giranta looked at me "I never got a reason why you were crying." we made eye contact "My fiance." "What about him?" I played with my dress "He- He abused me, and now he forced me to marry him." I heard a 'tsk' I stopped playing with my dress. Giranta looked bored "Nothing new..." I nodded, and began to swing softly. Giranta stood up "I have to go, dear. Meet me here in exactly 2 weeks. I would love to meet this fiance of yours?" I nodded, and Giranta walked off.

I walked back to the garden, and sat down. The pikachu limped to me, I smiled, and patched it up. The pikachu nuzzled into my dress "Thanks back there. I really appreciate it." the pikachu just hopped away.

~2 weeks later~

I woke up on the couch 'Must have moved me to the couch' I yawned, and got up. I changed into a sweatshirt, with a pladd skirt. (B/f) walled downstairs "Where is my breakfast, bitch." I winced "I'll get to it." I sprinted to the kitchen.

After breakfast, I walked into the Library, and pulled a book on Legendary Pokemon. I looked at the table of contents, and saw a fimilar name Giranta. The guy from 2 weeks ago! I quickly turned to the page, and saw a Pokemon that looked exactly like that guy! I read that he was the ruler of the distortion realm, and he was the son of Arceus, the creator of all things. My eyes widened "WOAH! I GOT TO MEET HIM!" I squealed, and danced around the room, excited.

The telephone rang, and (B/f) answered it. His eyes widened, and he gave me a evil smirk, I shrunk back. He nodded "Of course! We are so excited!" He hung up, and walked towards me. He punched me in the stomach "We're getting married tomorrow instead, hoe." I held my stomach in pain. We got ready, and headed over to my parents.

On the way, I remembered that I was supposed to meet Giranta today. I kept my eyes on the road "Hey honey? My friend wants yo meet us at my favorite spot. Wanna come?" "Whatever." I parked, and knocked on the door. This time, a maid answered, and welcomed us in. We walked into the garden, and into the forest to my favorite spot. We sat on the swings "You better be not fucking lying you whore." He walked over to my swing, and pushed me, I smiled at how kind it was.

He pushed too hard, and I fell off my swing, I screamed in pain. (B/f) kneeled down next to me, and smirked. He was flown back, and I saw Giranta "Humans like you disgust me. I will not allow you to hurt my dear, ever...again." he paused "Even if it means to wipe you from the face of this world. See you is the distortion realm." Giranta's eyes turned fully black. I sat up, and I saw (B/f) lifeless body. Giranta rushed next to me "Are you okay, dear? I heard your screams from my realm. I came as quick as I could." I couldn't speak.

My words were at loss, and I just hugged Giranta "T-thank you-" he smiled, and hugged back. Giranta rubber my back, and the pain dissapeared. I scrambled to my feet, and bowed "I want to apologize!" "For what dear?" I smiled "Not knowing who you were! Your Arceus's son right?" Giranta nodded. I fangirled, Giranta stopped me "Since I saved you. You have to owe me." I tilted my head. Girianta smiled "You have to marry me." my eyes widened "I'm sorry! I ca-" "I know. You can take your time. We can get to know eachother better. And see how it goes." I thought about it.

"I don't see why not-"

Kinda want to do a part 2. Well will see.
1393 Words
Author-Chan out✌

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