!Tapu Bulu x Reader!

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Art is not mine!

Type: Fluff

This guy doesnt get enough Love. So I decided to give him some. This might be a really long chapter.

Let's get this show on the road.

~Your p.o.v.~

"Ugh. This is the 3rd time this week my plants died for no reason." I pulled out my phone "Ginga? Can we meet up at Ula'Ula island? Great! Thanks! See ya." I put my phone away. I packed my bag, and got on a boat for Ula'Ula island. I watched as the Ocean Pokemon playing in the water. My hair blowing in the wind, I sighed and rested my eyes. I smiled softly "Nice breeze huh? It's pretty too." I opened my eyes to see a man standing there.

The guy had no shirt on, white horns, whit markings that look ancient on his face and chest. He also had a flower crown, and flower necklace. His features reminded me of Tapu Bulu, maybe the human version of him. It couldn't...right? I dont even know. He is pretty buff, and kinda...NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! Shut up! I cant fall for another play boy.

I realized I was staring, and turned red "Ah! I'm so sorry!" I stood up and bowed "I just got lost in thought!" The guy chuckled "Its Alright Miss..." "(Y/n) call me (Y/n). You?" the guy freaked out "Uh- Uhm- Call me...Bulu." I tilted my head. I was about to ask about it, when everyone was getting off. I groaned "It was nice meeting you Bulu! I hope we meet again!" He waved, and we went separate ways.

"Gurl! Over here!" I looked up, Ginga was waving at me, I smiled "Hey Ginga!" she smirked. I gulped "Who was that guy?" "No one...just a stranger I just met." Ginga laughed "Yeah...sure~" i gave her a glare. Ginga led me to a quiet place, up a mountain. It was beautiful, green grass, trees full of berries, pokemon playing, and the the Sun. I could live here, I held my breath "Is this even real?" "No" Ginga laughed when she saw my face fall "I'm just joking (Y/n)." I gave her a hard glare.

Ginga turned, and took in the scenery "They say Tapu Bulu is always here." I remember Bulu from earlier. I gazed at a wild Umbreon "Does Tapu Bulu have a human form?" Ginga turned away "I dont know. He probably does." I went to the edge where there was a big drop. I gulped, and backed up "Ginga...I thought you knew..." she gave me a confused look "Knew what?" "I'm scared of heights..." Ginga's face grew guilty "I'm so sorry! I didnt! I promise!" I started to shake.

"I-Its alright!" I nervously laughed. I sat down far from the edge, and Ginga sat down next to me. She still looked guilty. I sighed "So...About my plants..." we talked for a good hour and a half. Ginga was telling me about plants, and why they die randomly. I completely forgot about the edge and how far high up we were.

The ground started to shake, me, and Ginga stood. We checked our surrounding, nothing, was it a pokemon? All of the pokemon ran to their homes for protection. I went to the edge, and the ground stopped shaking. Which caused me to loose my balance, I yelped as I fell off the edge.

It was like slow-motion...Ginga running towards me, the breeze, the small pebbles falling with me. At least they wont feel the pain. I screamed uncontrollably, and sobbed, my tears didn't hold back. I tried to grab on to something with no luck, time seemed to stop. Ginga was at the edge screaming for help. I looked down, and saw pointy rocks. My voice cut out, and I was trembling. I thought of Bulu...I was never going to see him again.

I was approaching the ground fast, I accepted my fate. I closed my eyes, the world seemed to be at peace. Yet, I was falling to my death. I felt arms wrap around me, as I was caught bridal style, I didnt dare open my eyes. I remember a whisper in my ear "Shhh...I got you. Your safe now." It was comforting. But I still didnt open my eyes, the breeze slowed down.

"You can open your eyes, we are on solid ground." I opened my eyes, and saw the guy from earlier. I blushed "T-thank you-" Bulu laughed "Anything for m'lady." he put me down, but my legs gave out. Bulu caught me "My, you must have been really scared." I nodded "I've always h-had a fear of h-heights." Bulu just 'ohed' and I debated on kissing him on the cheek to thank him.

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