!Lunala x reader!

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Art is not mine!

Type: Fluff


~Your p.o.v.~

I ran to my classroom at the pokemon school, once I got there I put my hand on my knees, and gasped for air. I saw my Best Friend, Lillie, I skipped over to her "Hey bestie!" "Oh, Hi (Y/n)!" I smiled "Is something wrong Lillie?" Lillie sighed "Yes. We're learning about soulmates today. Everyone here has a soulmate except me..." "I dont Lillie. We will find ours together!" Lillie smiled "Your right! we both laughed.

Professor Kukui walked in "Alola!" "ALOLA!" the Class said all together. I sat down at my desk, the professor walked to the board "Today, were learning about soulmates!" I just silently groaned, and looked out into the sky.

I tuned out the Professer, and got lost looking in the sky. When all of a sudden a Ultra Wormhole opened up, I stood up "Professor! It's a Ultra Wormhole!" The bell sounded multiple times, Professer Kukui raised the chalk board, and pressed the button. We ran to our places.

My outfit was a pastel yellow. We got to the Headquarters, Lucamine called "A Ultra Wormhole opened up not too far from your school. The Wormhole is growing larger, and a Ultra Beast will most likely come out. Ultra Gaurdians go out there, and protect Alola, and your School!" We all looked at each other with determination "All roger Lucamine!" I jumped on my flying pokemon "Deceon!" It cried I smiled. We flew out, and landed in front of the school "I dont see a Ultra Beast" yelled Kiawe.

We all agreed "Keep your guards up everyone!" Ash yelled out. A Ultra Beast came out. It was Black, and Yellow. It wasnt stripped, but spotted, and It had blue bright eyes. Lucamine called "We named the Ultra Beast 'Teufel' we cant seem to find its weakness. Be careful! And find its weakness!" "All roger Lucamine!" Teuful flew towards us, we all dodged.

Teuful spotted me, and flew at me. I let out a yelp and covered my face. Everyone yelled out my name, we heard a cry "Kokooooo" I uncovered my face and saw Tapu Koko. Tapu Koko took the hit, but went into his shell. Ash fist bumped the air "Thanks Tapu Koko!" Tapu Koko fist bumped Ash, then flew to me. Tapu Koko let out a cry, and seemed like he was telling me something.

I tilted my head "I'm sorry I can't understand you!" Ash pondered "Maybe...he's trying to tell you something!" Sophocles chimed in "Maybe..He's telling (Y/n) that she is in danger! Think about it, when Teuful saw her, it charged at hef!" Tapu Koko nodded. I paused "But...Why?" Tapu Lele came along, the other 2 following. 2 Ultra Wormholes opened up, we all looked up in suprise.

2 more Ultra Beasts came out, they both looked like Teuful, but diffrent colors. One Blue, and the other green. They saw me, and sent blasts at me "Okay... something is up." I flew up and dodged the attacks. Lillie flew next to me "I'm staying right here!" I gave Lillie a big smile "Thanks Lillie." the Ultra Beasts sent another set of blasts at me. Lillie took the hit, and fell off, I reached out, but I was too late.

Another Ultra Wormhole opened up, Solgaleo came out, and caught Lillie. A bright light blinded me, and I covered my eyes. As it dimmed I gasped "LILLIE! SOLGALEO IS YOUR SOULMATE!" My eyes held stars in them. Lillie looked shocked."I- I did not expect this..." everyone agreed, Solgaleo roared, and started to attack the Ultra Beast. The Alolan Gaurdians dissapeared "Wonder where they went." One of the Ultra Beasts flew at me, and grabbed me.

I let out a cry, I flailed around, and it put me on it's back. I held on as we soared away from the others "No! Guys!" a 5th Ultra Wormhole opened up and out came Lunala "Lunala! Can you help me!" Lunala let out a screech before diving staright for us. The Ultra Beast grabbed me, and threw me to the ground, vines grew, and grabbed me.

I was held down as I watched Lunala, and the Ultra Beast fight. Lunala sent a blast, but the Ultra Beast dodged it. The Ultra Beast picked up a huge rock, and hit Lunala with it "LUNALA! NO! STOP PLEASE!" Lunala fell to the ground. Tears flowed freely down my face, and the vines let me go. I ran over to Lunala "No...Lunala you have to get up!" I laid Lunala's head on my lap "I'll be here until you wake up. I'm not leaving you." Lunala started to glow.

My eyes widened as Lunala turned human, and Lunala opened his eyes "Huh? (Y/n)! Are you alright? I saw you being carried away by a Ultra Beast!" I started to sob "Your o-okay!" I hugged him, and we both started to glow. I gasped as we both floated a bit, and a blinding light shone. Once it went away, I smiled "Were Soulmates!" the Ultra Beast came lunging at us. Lunala growled, and turned into his Pokemon form. I got on my pokemon, Deceon, and flew next to Lunala "Deceon! Use Flood water!" Deceon hit the Ultra beast and Lunala tackled him into a Wormhole.

I flew to where the Ultra Wormhole was, I reached out "Lunala..." the Sun set, and the moon was out. I stared at the stars, and flew back to the others "(Y/n) your okay!" Lillie tackled me in a hug "I sure am" I laughed along with the others. The Ultra Beasts were gone! Lillie let me go "I saw a Blinding Light come from over there" she pointed to where I came from "That's because I found my Soulmate!" Ash looked suprised, and hugged me "Who?" I opened my mouth to answer, but was pulled away.

"HEY! Who are you?" Ash yelled, and Pikachu had Electric bolts come from his cheeks. I looked, and saw Lunala, but in human form. I smiled "This is my Soulmate! Lunala!" Everyone was taken aback. I just snickered "That's right. I do not like when you hugged what's mine." I blushed, Professer Kukui came out "Like I said earlier, if a human has a Pokemon soulmate, they are quite protective.

Ash glared at Lunala "Well...(Y/n) is still my friend!" Ash pulled me away from Lunala. The Professer panicked "Ash! Stop it be-" Lunala growled "Give (Y/n) back...or else." Ash puffed out his cheeks "Or else what?" I pushed Ash away "He is going to hurt you." I gave a friendly smile to Ash, and Lunala growled again. I walked over to Lunala, Lunala pulled me close to him, and wrapped his arms protectively around me. I giggled "I'm going home! Goodnight Everyone!" I waved, and started to walk away.

Lunala followed me, and I finally arrived home. I opened the door, and ran to my room, I heard Lunala close the door. I hid under my bed, and held my breath. Lunala's footsteps neared my room, he opened the door, and smirked "If I find you I get a reward~" I silently gulped. He laughed, and looked under the bed "Found you~" I yelped, and he pulled me out.

He sat on the bed, and sat me on his lap. Lunala kissed me, and I blushed. I kissed him back, and shortly after we pulled apart. He laid back, and I laid ontop of him "Goodnight my Love." Lunala kissed my forehead "Goodnight my Moon." I giggled "What about my clothes? There kind of uncomfortable..." Lunala smiled, and snapped his fingers. I was in a oversized shirt with the moon on it, I kissed Lunala as in telling him thanks. I drifted off to sleep hearing his Heartbeat.

~The next day~

I woke up to Lunala peppering my face with kisses "Good morning my Moon! Time to head to school!" I gave him a sleepy smile "Mhm. Let me get ready." "I already did that." He stated I blushed furiously "DID YOU CHANGE ME!?!?" he let out a deep laugh "No. I used magic." I sighed, and got out of bed. Lunala brushed my hair, as I brushed my teeth. I went downstairs, breakfast was made "Lunala..." he looked concerned "What...Do you not like French Toast?" I shook my head no "No...Why are you doing this?" "Because I love you." I blushed, and kissed him. I pulled away "I love you too Love!" I ate quickly.

We both jogged to school, and into the classroom. Lillie had Solgaleo with her "Lillie!" she turned to me, and tackled me in a hug. We both laughed "How is Solgaleo?" Lillie blushed "He's such a flirt! But also nice, and affectionate!" I smiled. I walked over to Solgaleo, and he smiled at me "If you ever...EVER hurt Lillie I will haunt you down, and torture you." Solgaleo sweat dropped, along with Lillie. I then gave him a smile, and hugged him "Lillie is great for you! You guys go along together so well!" Lunala came over, and gave us 3 a smile "Alola!" we all laughed.

Lillie snickered as Ash walked in, and he went straight to you "Alola! (Y/n)!" I smiled "Alola Ash!" we hugged, and pikachu climbed on my shoulder. Lunala growled "Ash, Pikachu...get off MY moon." Ash let me go, and glared at him.


The end!
I hoped you liked it
1598 words!
Author-Chan out✌!

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