Lucario x Reader

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Art is not mine.

Type: Angst


Seek help if you or someone you know is Suicidal.



~Your p.o.v.~

Yelling was heard from downstairs, I frowned, and turned the music up. My phone buzzed, I was in a heated argument with my friend. Hot tears ran down my face, I hugged my pillow, and screamed into it. I curled up into a ball, and clamed myself. I stood up, and put make-up on so it looks like I didn't cry. I hate it, because all my Mom does is question me, and I find it so annoying. I walked over to the window, and opened up the blinds, pretty colors plastering the sky. I took a deep breath, and got my art supplies out. I took out my sketchbook, and pencil, and started to draw out my feelings.

"(Y/N)! COME DOWNSTAIRS FOR DINNER!" I groaned, and sat down my art supplies. I stood up, and walked down the stairs. All of my siblings gathered at the table, I watched as they got their food. I walked over, grabbed a plate, and started to scoop some corn. I looked over to the garlic bread, which so happened to be gone, I glared my sibling's down "Hey! Shouldn't you have asked me if I wanted to have some!" my older sister just scoffed. She looked at my plate "With that? You don't even need that much. No wonder your over-weight." my face paled. 

I looked over to my parent's who were baking dessert, silence enveloped us. I felt my nose sting, and my eyes water. My siblings started to chatter, and eat. My anger built up "SIRIOUSLY! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS! Mom! YOU promised to stand up for me." "I didn't he-" I cut her off "Just like all those other times. I'm not eating with a bunch of stuck-up, rude, selfish, bullies." I took a deep breath, and ran out the door. Mother, and Father calling after me.

~Lucario's p.o.v~

"Meow-" I looked up, to see a weird looking Pokemon. It was black, on all 4's, with green eyes. I reached up, and rested my arm on a branch next to it. The Pokemon crawled onto my arm, and down on the ground. I started to walk away, but heard a meow, I turned around, and sat down. The Pokemon came up to me, and laid in my lap. I spaced out "I just wanna be someone to someone-" I felt a aura rush by. In instinct, I looked who it was, and it was a girl. Her hair flapping in the wind, her aura, what is this strong emotion.

It was full of so much pain, darkness, guilt, worry, and sadness. It took me a minute to regain my focus. I stood up, and ran after her, she was fast for a human. This girl ran into the forest, it doesn't make any sense, most people are scared of the forest. I can hear her breath, it was very heavy, her aura changed. My eyes widened, there was no emotion. Her aura was screaming to me, for... help. I increased my speed, and grabbed the girl's shoulder. The girl turned, her face was all red, and puffy. Her (e/c) eyes were filled with tears, and she had snot coming down her nose.

We stared at each other for sometime, I pulled her into a hug, and she broke down. I rubbed her back, and she cried into my chest. I rested my head on hers, and after awhile she calmed down. I looked down at her, and she was asleep clinging to my chest. I smiled, and picked her up bridal style. I walked back to my house, I quietly shut the door, and walked into my room. I laid her down on my bed, I sat in a chair next to the bed. My eyes started to droop,  and I dozed off.

~3 weeks later~

~Your p.o.v~

"Hey (Y/n)? Can you go to the store?" I looked over, and Lucario was in the kitchen "Sure! What do you want me to get?" he handed me a list. It wasn't that long, I got my shoes on, and opened the door "I'll be back in a bit!" I closed the door behind me. I stood there for a bit to take in the sunset. I took a deep breath, and blushed softly "It's hard to keep my love from showing." I walked down the porch steps. I looked down at the list:





-Pancake Mix

If you get into trouble remember what I taught you.

I laughed, and put on a determined look on my face. I walked down the sidewalk, and saw a missing person sign. It had my face on it. I quickly looked around, and didn't notice anyone staring. I kept walking, I saw the store, and it was by a Pokemon center. I took a breath, and walked in. I grabbed a cart, and pushed it down the frozen section. I saw cookie dough, and stared at it. I shook my head, and kept walking down the aisle. I found the eggs, and put it in the cart. Right next to the eggs was the milk, I grabbed a jug, and placed it gently in the cart.

Once I was done, I paid, and carried the items out of the store. The street lamps lighting up the sidewalk, and roadways. The sun wasn't completely set, but the moon, and some stars were already out. I kept walking, until I noticed a man staring at me, I studied the man. My grasp around the bags tightened, and my breathing hitched "Dad." I set the bags down. My Father walked towards me, and I backed up. I looked around for help, but seemed no one was out. I glared at my Father, as he brought me into a hug.

I tensed up "F-father?" my nose wrinkled in disgust, as the smell of alcohol was radiating off of him. he let go, and threw me over his shoulder "I-i'm taking *hic* you home." I struggled in his grasp. I put my hands out, spread my fingers apart, and brought my hands to my chest. I closed my eyes, and let my aura power flow through my body. I opened my eyes, and quickly knew we were approaching my house fairly quickly. I used my arms to support me, then bit down on Father's shoulder. He let go, and held his shoulder.

"Y-you bit *hic* me!" I rubbed my behind from the fall. Probably bruised now. I scrambled to my feet, and ran in the direction we came from. I saw the grocery bags, picked them up, and ran all the way to Lucario's home. I opened the door, closed it, and locked it. I slid down, and gasped for air. My legs were aching, and were pounding. I winced when my bum hit the ground, even though I was gentle. I looked around for Lucario, but couldn't find him. I walked into the backyard, and sat down. I stared up into the night sky "(Y/n)?" I turned around.

Lucario was staring at me, and I tilted my head "Yes?" he walked over, and sat next to me. I looked away from him, upset that he didn't come to my aid when I needed him. I used what he taught me, maybe it didn't work. Lucario wrapped his arms around me, I tensed up "What's wrong? Your aura is telling me your upset." I just glared at him. I shoved him away "I ran into my Father. He was drunk, and almost got me back in that hellhole. I called out for you, but you never came..." I never made eye-contact.

A hand rubbed my back "That's only, because I was talking to my Girlfriend." I frowned, but forced a smile "I didn't know that!" he smiled "Yea. I asked her out, and we were on the phone." I smiled and Lucario stood up. he walked inside. My mind began to race with thoughts, not the best ones either. My eyes filled up with tears. I opened the gate, and walked into the forest. I finally got to my spot, the rope hanging from the tree, and a rusty metal chair. I frowned, and stood on the chair.

At this point I was numb "I should have just done this before." I lifted the rope, and placed it under my head. I put my hands out, spreaded my fingers out, and brought my hands to my chest. I closed my eyes 'I Love you Lucario.' I kicked the chair, and took my last breath.

~Lucario's p.o.v.~

I took the Cookies out of the oven, and placed them on the counter 'I Love you Lucario' my eyes widened. I Looked outside, and (Y/n) wasn't there. I panicked, and ran into the forest. I felt a aura that was getting weaker, and weaker. I rushed over "(Y/N)!" I cut the rope, and she fell into my arms. I shook her "(Y/n)? Come on wake up! Please!" tears streamed down my face. I held her body close "I didn't have a girlfriend, it was my friend! I was asking her to help me ask you out!" I picked (Y/n) up, and carried her home. I laid her on the bed, and fell asleep next to her, still crying.

The end.

Sorry it was so sad. It was like a rant chapter. I love all of you my readers. I'm always here to talk if you need it.

1591 words

Author-chan out :)

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