!Absol x Reader!

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Art is not mine!

Type: Angst and Fluff

⚠️There will be alot of time-skips⚠️

I also apologize for not updating. I have been really busy. I'm trying not to use the word I alot. Also suprise at the end.



~3rd person p.o.v.~

You nervously waited for the mailman to drop off the mail. The sun was way up in the sky, and it was pretty hot. Recently, you have been tested for cancer. Absol, your boyfriend, had no idea what was happening. A car was heard, the engine roaring, and it finally pulled up. The Mailman put the mail in the mailbox, and drove away, but not before waving to you. You waved back, and ran to the mailbox, you saw the letter. The letter was like any other, but had the doctors office's logo, and it was stamped. The breeze quickened, and the sounds of Pokemon in the distance was heard.

Fiddling with the letter, you decided to open it. It read:

Dear Mrs. (Y/n),

You have recently got tested for Cancer at my office. We have gotten the results back. I'm sorry to say you have tested positive for cancer. The cancer is called Breast cancer.

There is good news, it is easy to treat. I have set up for your stay at Joy's Hospital, so you can get chemo, and we will see if anything has changed. Thank you for your time.

Best of Luck,
-Dr. Fero

You took a deep breath, and a tear dropped, many of them following. You sat down trying to grasp what just occurred, your front door squeaked open. You panicked, and hid the letter, Absol smiled, then frowned. He sat next to you "What's wrong?" "My dad died-" Absol rubbed your back, and you continued to cry.

~Time skip to 2 months~

~Absol's p.o.v.~

(Y/n) has been acting strange, I usally brushed it off. But, she has been in pain lately, and (Y/n) has go to the hospital tommorow. I walked into our shared room, glancing at the box, before smiling. (Y/n) was in the shower, and you could hear the music playing, and her singing. I saw a folded paper sticking out, with a Doctor's logo on it. Is this from her Doctor's visit? I read it, and was shocked, and confused.

I tried to process what just happened, when (Y/n) walked out. She saw what I was holding, and freaked out "U-uh! I can explain! I was going to tell you... but I chickened out everytime! I'm so sorry!" I shook my head. (Y/n) gave me a confused look, I kept my gaze on the letter. I quickly got up, and hugged her "We will get through this together."

~Time skip to 1 year later~

You have been admitted to the hospital, and it wasnt looking so good. You were Bedridden.

~Your p.o.v.~

A bright light shine on me, and I saw a worried Absol. My chest was aching, and my breathing was ragged. The heart monitor beeping, doctors all around me. I remembered that my heart stopped, i'm geussing that's why the doctors are in here. Dr. Fero looked at me sadly, and ushered everyone out, then locked the door. Me, and Absol grew concerned "What is it Dr?" Dr. Fero sighed "Your situation, is getting worse by the day." Absol raised a eyebrow "Do you still want to fight?" Absol looked at me.

"I d-do. P-please have faith in me." Absol kissed my forehead "That's my girl." my vision blurred, and I decided to take a nap.

~2 years later~

Cheers filled the hallway. The bell awaiting to be rung. I smiled, as Dr. Fero congratulated me "You made it. Your cancer free!" my face hurt from smiling too much. I was wheeled out of the room, and doen the hallway. The hallway was filled with nurses, and doctors, cheering. The hallway led to the exit of the hospital. I stopped Dr. Fero, who was pushing my wheel chair "Can I walk for the rest of the time" he nodded, and the others followed.

We all turned the corner, and I started to tear. Absol was on one knee, holding a red velvet box, with a beautiful diamond ring. Absol began to speak "First, (Y/n) I'm so proud of you for winning against cancer. I knew you would never give up. That's something I knew from the moment we started dating. It's been 4 years since that fateful day that brung us together. Since, my love for you never wavered. Even after finding out you had cancer. I wish to be with you forever, until death do us apart. (Y/n) (l/n) will you marry me?" I started to sob "Y-yes! I will!" I threw my arms around him.

The nurses, and Doctors cheered. This ceremony wasn't done, the bell was still waiting. Absol kissed me roughly, but it wasnt long. We all headed to the entrance, the bell shining in the sun that was streaming in from the glass doors. I walked up to the bell, it was so shiny I could see my own reflection. There was a label:

Ring this if your cancer free.

Everyone was awaiting on what I was going to do, I took a deep breath, and fixated on the bell. My hand touched the rope that was attached to the bell. I jerked it, and the ringing filled my ears. Absol picked me up, and spun me around, making me laugh. He set me down, and we put our foreheads together. We thanked everyone, for everything.

Then, headed home, afterall my life is quickly chaning.

The end! I'm so sorry its short. Next is Latios x Reader!
963 Words
Author-Chan out✌

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