!Arcanine x Child! Reader!

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Art is not mine!

2nd time writing on the computer! I kind of like it better. I'm still trying to figure everything out.

Type: Fluff, and a bit of angst

Your are like 8 years old in this. So no kissing and of all that. Arcanine is a Pokemon for now!



~Your p.o.v.~

"Wake up (Y/n). I need you to pack your stuff." I yawned, and rubbed away the tiredness away from my eyes "Mommy?" I called out. I pushed the blankets off of my legs, and sat up. My Mom gave me a look of guilt "Mommy is going away for a few weeks." I smiled "I can handle 2 weeks!" I grabbed my stuffed animals, a blanket, a pillow, and 2 weeks worth of clothes. My Mom grabbed my hand, and took me outside to the forest. The stars were shining, a few of them flying really fast across the sky, the Moon was very bright. I skipped along side my Mom, and our arms swung along with my movement "Mommy? Where are you going?" my Mom looked down the street.

"Its called Aether Foundation..." I smiled "Isn't that where we met Arcanine? We haven't seen him in a long time!" Mom nodded "Indeed. I have to pay the price though." I gave Mom a confused look. Mom bent down next to me "I won't be able to see you grow up." I gave her a confused look, but she just looked at the sky. Sirens flailed, and sounded like they were getting closer. Mom panicked, and raced to the edge of the forest "Run!" she gave me a hug, and pulled away. I grew concerned "Mommy?" I grabbed her arm, but she yanked her arm to her. Mom pulled out her Pokeball "Arcanine! I choose you! Grab (Y/n)! take her to the forest, and raise her into a woman!" Arcanine grabbed me by my shirt, and ran off into the forest with me.

 I started to cry "Mommy!" "I love you (Y/n)!" these people grabbed her, and shoved her in a car. Mom's smile was the last thing I saw. I struggled against Arcanine's grasp "Let me go! Mommy!" we were now deep into the forest. Arcanine put me down, but laid on me "Arcanine? What happened to Mommy! Tell me!" Arcanine laid his head down, and nuzzled me, in order to keep me warm. I struggled again, and after awhile I gave up. My eyes were pretty heavy from the tears, and my face was stained from tears. I took my backpack out, and  used my stuffed Animals as pillows. I pulled the blanket out, and pulled the blanket over me, and Arcanine.

~2 years later~

I yawned, and sat up. My eyes blinking slowly, to get used to the sunlight that was streaming in from the tent. I crawled out, and stood up "Arcanine?" I walked over to his tent "Dad?" I peaked in his tent, and saw a naked man. I yelped, and hid behind a tree 'where is Dad? Is someone trying to hurt me?' I covered my mouth to keep silent, when I heard Dad's tent open "(Y/n)? Was that you?" I heard a girly shriek. I jumped, as it sounded girly, I peaked out. The man was staring at himself "Am I a Human now?" I giggled, and the man turned to see where it came from. The man spotted me "(Y/n)?" I smiled "That's me!" Arcanine looked down, and ran to his tent. I rushed over to his tent "What's wrong?" Arcanine glared at me "Get out!" I sighed and sat outside.

About 5 minutes passed, and Arcanine came out "Okay I'm done!" I stood up "Why were you so scared of me seeing you?" he face-palmed "You will know when your older." I groaned. I walked over to a tree, and climbed it 'I wonder if Dad will remember my 10th birthday', I thought. I watched Arcanine start to make breakfast. I jumped down from the branch "Dad? What's today?" he didn't respond. I tilted my head "Dad?" Arcanine walked over to me, and ruffled my hair "It's your 10th birthday. Happy Birthday (Y/n)." I smiled, and hugged him tightly. Arcanine hugged back, he let go, and went to go finish breakfast.

After breakfast, Dad walked over to me "What do you want to do first?" I placed my hand on my chin to show i'm thinking. I shot my hand into the air "Lets go play with Pokemon!" Arcanine grabbed my  hand, and we both walked off into the forest.  The Sun, was beginning to peak through the trees, lighting up the forest. I didn't like the forest at night, it was creepy. We passed by a tree that I recognized, a branch was laying against the base of the tree. We both stopped, and admired the tree "This is where I saved you." I nodded, as the memories came flooding back into my head.


"Lets play hide, and go seek! You seek! I hide!" I ran off until I found  tree.  I jumped, and grabbed a tree branch, pulling myself up. I heard Dad call out the numbers "30, 29, 28..." I pulled myself up branch, by branch. I finally reached a good spot, and sat down making sure not to make any noise that would give away my spot. I looked at the branch, it was pretty thick. I smirked, thinking that I would win "3, 2, 1! Ready or Not hear I come!" I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from giggling. A Pokemon I didn't recognize started to chew on the branch, specifically right where it connected to the tree. I panicked, and tried to shoo it away, but no avail.

It happened so fast, from the branch breaking off, and falling. I closed my eyes, and waited for impact, instead I felt soft fur. I peaked to see Dad had sat under me to soften the fall. Luckily, I didn't weigh much, so he just injured his foot. I wiped my eyes from tears that had slipped "Thanks Dad!" Dad licked my face, and started to limp back to where we camped. I felt bad, and helped Dad walk.

~End of Flashback~

 I smiled "I remember now, you wouldn't let me climb trees for awhile." Arcanine chuckled "Yup. I was too afraid you would fall, and hurt yourself again." I squeezed Dad's hand, and we continued walking. A baby Charmander walked up to me, and cuddled my feet. I smiled "Awe! It likes me!" I was about to pet it, when white smoke surrounded the Charmander. I coughed, and the smoke eventually cleared "IM A HUMAN!" I smiled at his cute reaction. A hand quickly covered my eyes, as I heard Dad lecture the poor boy "Go put some clothes on, no girl needs to see...that. I say this with respect." I just rolled my eyes.

My eyes were uncovered, and the Charmander was nowhere to be seen. I pouted "I could have made a new friend!" "Not when the boy is naked." Arcanine continued to drag me in the direction where the Pokemon liked to hang out. We finally arrived, and Pokemon were playing, laughing, play-fighting, and eating. Some Pokemon were even vibing with each other. I ran off to go play with some Pokemon, I spotted a cute Eevee. I gasped, and ran over to it "Can you, and your friends play tag with me?" "Eevee!" I smiled as it's friends came over, I tagged one of them, and we all scattered.

Arcanine was watching with a small smile on his face.

The End.

 The b key on the keyboard is stuck, and its really annoying.

1286 words

Author-chan out :)!

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