!Diagla x Reader!

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Not my art!

Type: Fluff

You guys are dating, but you don't know he is a Pokemon, noneless a legendary pokemon. It's been 1 year since you guys. He told you his name is William, but you call him Will.



~Your p.o.v.~

My alarm went off, and I sat up, Will was still asleep. I went downstairs, and made 2 cups of coffee, and sat the mugs on the table. I cracked some eggs, and it made a sizzle noise. I heard footsteps, then sipping of a drink, I turned "Good morning Will!" Will just silently kept drinking his coffee. I finished the eggs, and pit it on 2 plates "Is something wrong?" Will shook his head. I just kissed Will's forehead, and went to our room "I'm going to get ready!" I put on my uniform. Then, I went into the dining room, and kissed Will goodbye.

I opened the door, and sighed "He has been doing this since 2 months after we started dating. Is he cheating? Did he loose feelings?" I shook my head, and walked down the sidewalk. I crossed the street, and heard a truck's honk. I looked up, and saw a truck zooming straight towards me.

~'Will' p.o.v.~

As soon as the door closed, my stomach turned, I didn't know why. It was a gut feeling? I got into my pokemon form, and went out the back patio door. I turned myself invisible, and flew into the air. I saw (Y/n), and I couldn't help but think. Why couldn't I tell her? I hope she can be a bit more patient. A hink snapped me from my thoughts, and a truck was headed straight towards my love.

I panicked, and stopped time, I knew their was going to be consequences, but I couldn't bear to watch her die. I quickly moved (Y/n) to the other sidewalk, and resumed time. (Y/n) stumbled a bit, and I sighed in relief, knowing she was safe.

I followed her, to make sure she didn't get in anymore trouble. She made it home, and called out for me. I turned into Will, and walked inside from the back patio door "Hm?" (Y/n) ran to me, and started to cry, rambling about the incident today. I rubbed her back, and comforted her. For some reason, I felt watched, and I looked outside, but no one.

~Your p.o.v.~

We turned on a movie, but Will kept looking outside. I grew concerned "Will? Are you okay?" he nodded "I feel... watched." I hugged him "Do you want to go check?" Will nodded, and went into the backyard. I paused the movie, and went on my phone. After 5 minutes, I got suspicious, and took a peak outside, just to see Will turn into... a weird dinosaur? And a pink, and black dinosaur? I freaked out, and locked the door, and ran to my room.

I shut the blinds "What the hell were those things? Did they eat Will?" I ran to the kitchen, and grabbed a pan. I opened the door, and saw the 3 still talking. I snuck up on them "WHERE IS WILL?!" the 3 dinosaurs looked at me. The pink one walked to me, and I smacked it with a pan. The black one busted out laughing, and the blue one sweat dropped. I glared at them "Tell me or else!" the blue one stepped forward "(Y/n)...It's me Will. I'm a Pokemon." I started at him in disbelief. The 'pokemon' grabbed my arm, and we  were watching the past.

The blue pokemon transformed into Will, because he wanted me to love him for who he was, not for his identity, or fame. I smiled, but smacked Diagla with a pan "You should have told me!" Diagla rubbed his head, and glared at me "IM A GOD'S SON! EVERONE WANTS TO DATE ME! I just didn't want to be used..." my eyes widened "God's son?" "Yes." I smiled "You could have told me." Diagla just face-palmed, and I giggled. Soon, we were back in the backyard, the pink pokemon was waking up from the pan.

"(Y/n) meet my 2 brothers Giranta, and Palkia." Diagla pointed them out, I looked at Palkia with a guilty look "Sorry about the pan. Nice to meet you!" Giranta came up, and kissed my hand. Diagla just hugged me close to him, and I laughed. Palkia came up, and bowed "Nice to meet you pan lady." I glared at him. Palkia, and Giranta went home. And Diagla went inside with me. We sat down at the table "Tonight...was eventful." Diagla nodded.

~1 week later~

I walked into the house from work, and a not-so happy Diagla was sitting on the couch. I walked over, and sat next to him "What's wrong?" Diagla gave me a guilty look "Were going to meet my dad." I tilted my head "What's wrong with that?" Diagla sighed. I ruffled his hair "He isn't good with humans. You never been in front of royalty before." I smiled.

"When?" "Tonight in a hour." I ran to our room, and changed into a dress that I loved. It was (f/c), and was vintage.

~Time skip~

We walked in "Wow! It's so pretty!" "Thank you I designed it myself." I jumped, and looked forward, there was Diagla's Dad, Arceus. I bowed, and Diagla looked at me shocked, I gave him a goofy look. Diagla just chuckled at my look, we linked arms, and sat at the dinner table. Palkia, and Giranta were also there. Arceus spoke "So Diagla is this your girlfriend?" Diagla nodded, and I gave him a reassuring look. Arceus smiled, and talked throughout the whole dinner. Soon, it came to a end, it was a fun experience for me.

"(Y/n)? Can I talk to you alone?" Arceus spoke, I nodded, and followed him out into a separate room. The air tensed "You will stop dating my son." I tensed up, but kept my composer "Why is that?" I kept my posture up. Arceus was taken back "Well- I don't like humans." I glared at him, and my anger took control. I grabbed Arceus by the collar "So you are going to get your selfishness  get in the way of Diagla's happiness! What kind of father are you? I don't see a father in my eyes." Arceus's eyes widened.

I let go, and walked out into the dining room, Arceus soon followed. Dessert was served, but I didn't eat any of it. I felt too sick to eat, Diagla talked a bit with his father, it was peaceful. Until "Why did you choose a mere human for a girlfriend? And not a pokemon." Diagla had steam coming out of his ears. Diagla stood up "Because unlike you I tolerate humans. I happen to love (Y/n). With everything I have. She even forgave me after I lied to her for 1 year. Pokemon remind me too much of you." Diagla stomped off.

Giranta, and Palkia stood up to go after him, I stopped them "I'll go." I speed walked after him. Diagla was sitting in the middle of a flower garden, I picked some, and made a flower crown. I placed it on his head "Diagla. Please. Look at me." Diagla looked at me "I love you so much. But is my love really more important than your dad?" Diagla had tears in his eyes "Yes. I would hardly even call him a father." I hugged Diagla, and comforted him. I pulled him closed to me, and played with his hair. Diagla loves his hair being played with, especially when he needs comforting.

Arceus came out "I deeply apologize. It was only a test. I can see my son really does love you (Y/n). You two may date, but treat eachother right. Diagla can you let me make up for what I have thrown away?" I looked at Diagla, but Diagla didn't look any better. Palkia, and Giranta came out "Brother. Please, just give him a chance." Diagla sighed.

"Fine. Also, dad are we supposed to be a dinosaur?"

The end!
I thought the ending was funny. They look like dinosaurs to me.
1381 words
Author-Chan out✌

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