!Latios x reader!

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Art is not mine!

Type: Fluff

Warnings: None


~3rd person p.o.v.~

The sun shone, pokemon playing, the trees breathing life, and the breeze was nice. You opened your car door, and closed it, a small sound coming from the touch. You had come back from a business meeting in Britan. Seeing the house would usally be peaceful, but something was off. Seriously off. Something felt wrong. You opened the front door, and saw it was a mess "AH- WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL HAPPENED?!?" Latios came in the room. Looking disheveled, hair messed up, eye-bags, and looking really down.

Latios groaned "Sorry (Y/n). I geuss I never had the energy to clean." your gaze shifted around the house, it was a complete wreck. Latios rubbed his neck sheepishly "Latias has went missing, and I haven't been the same." your eyes widened "Latias! Did she get kiddnapped?" Latios shrugged. The breeze picked up, and rain hit the glass window.

~Your p.o.v.~

My gaze turned to look outside, the clouds were pretty dark. Something clicked, my gaze falling upon Latios "When did she go missing?" "2 days ago..." I pulled my phone out, and saw that there was a bad storm that day. To make matters worse, there was a tornado. Latios gave me a confused looked, as gears in my head turned "She went missing. On a day, that there was a tornado. She must have went flying, got carried away, and hurt!" Latios smiled, and engulfed me in a hug. I hugged back, I kissed his cheek, then started on dinner.

While cooking, I saw the clouds continue to get darker. Lightning struck at a nearby tree, and the thunder boomed after it. Latios kept a eye on the clouds, and scratching was heard at the door. I walked over opening the door, only to be hit by some wind. Latios held me by my waist, so I wouldn't get sucked out. Pokemon of all kind rushed in, and started to cry out to us. There had to be at least 37 Pokemon in our house, all of them seemed to be in a panic.

A train-like sound was heard, Latios picked me up, and we rushed to the basement. The pokemon closed the door for us, and followed after us. We closed the basement door, and sat down. The pokemon chatting amongst themselves, the train-like sound got closer. All of a sudden, it went silent, Latios carefully opened the basement door. Nothing changed, everything was still there. We looked outside, and the storm was completely gone. The weather was supposed to be partly clouded for the rest of the day.

The Pokemon filed out of our house, then yelled their names as thanks for helping them. I gave them a smile, and they all left. A sigh could be heard from behind me, Latios was holding a picture of him, and his litter sister, Latias. Sympathy filled my heart, and I walked over to him. Latios was concerned, and scared for his lost little sister. He traced his fingers over the frame of the picture, letting a tear fall. The picture was fairly clean, and was taken recently. They needed eachother. They loved eachother.

'I will search for Latias. Tonight.'

Determination filled my senses, and I finished dinner. We were eating in a comfortable silence, Latios still stressing over his loss. He seemed to give up. I wasn't, I know she is out their. So I won't give up.

~Time skip~

Night came, and the stars twinkled in the sky. It was always breath-taking, Latios was cuddling me, and crying. I comforted him, rubbed his back, and told him that we will find her "I will search tonight how about that?" Latios glared at me. A feeling engulfed me, was it determination? Was it telling me to go? Latios held me tightly "I already lost Latias, I can't loose you too." I smiled softly. Soon his breathing slowed, indicating he was asleep. Latios's grip loosened, giving me a chance to escape. I wiggled out of his arms, and got ready to go out.

The Pokemon were silent at this time of night, it was so silent that you could hear leaves rustle.

~3rd person p.o.v.~

You crept out of your hous, and tip-toed into the forest. Praying, that you weren't going to run into anything, or anyone. The forest clouded the moon, giving off little light, which only made it harder to see. You didn't have any Pokemon, because you never had a chance. It had to be at least 15 minutes, and the house was no where in sight. The trees seemed motionless, and the leaves crunched everytime you stepped on them.

The bush next to you rustled, and you tried really hard not to scream. A Umbreon popped out, stared at you, then ran away. A few baby Umbreon's following. Guessing that it was that Umbreon's baby. You continued to walk.

~Time skip~

It has been at least 2 hours since running into that Umbreon, and at this point it seemed useless. Adrenaline kept you running. Out of energy you stopped to take a break, leaning against a tree. You buried your head in your hands, and rested your eyes. Before getting up, you just needed to continue.

~Latios's p.o.v.~

~In the morning~

The sun streamed in from the window, blinding me. I groaned "(Y/n), Love, can we go do something today?" no response. My eyes fluttered fully open, and my anxiety filled my senses. I rushed everywhere around the house, but no avail. I broke down "Not you too (Y/n)..." a knock sounded at the door. No one was supposed to come over, don't think so. I opened the front door, and saw (Y/n) holding Latias. Latias looked very hurt, and (Y/n) looked tired. I ushered them in, and made (Y/n) breakfast. Latias was out cold, so I got her some berries.

"(Y/n) why did you leave?" she sighed "1. Because I know how close you 2 are-

And Because I love you"

The end! I'm sorry these chapters are getting short.
1040 Words
Author-Chan out✌

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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