!Solgaleo x reader!

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Art is not mine.

I want you guys to use your imagination this chapter! Imagine Solgaleo as a human.

Type: Fluff

~Your p.o.v.~

I opened my curtains, and the Sun streamed in. I smiled "TODAYS THE DAY! IM GOING TO THE ALTER OF THE SUN!" My mom came in "Honey! I made your breakfast! I know you have a big day ahead!" I giggled "Alright!" I went to my closet and picked out a outfut.

It was black shorts, and my favorite tank top that is my (f/c). I brushed my hair and twirled. I ran down the stairs, and sat at the dining table. My Mom sat down a plate filled with waffles, the syrup glistening in the light and the berries floating on top.

After I ate, I washed my plate, and I grabbed my backpack. I waved to My Mom "Bye Mom!" "Bye Honey be safe!" I laughed and ran out of the house.

~Time skip to when you arrive~

I took my pokeball out "CHARMANDER COM ON OUT!" Charmander appeared and I hopped on "Can you please get me over there?" I pointed over to the alter of the sun. Charzard roared and brought you over to the other side "Thanks buddy!" I put Charzard back in its pokeball. I walked into the dark room but the Suns beam was shining to where the exit was. That exit leads to the staircase which leads to the alter of the Sun! I smiled "Let's go!" I jogged over but was stopped by some pokemon that protected the alter of the Sun.

I gasped "Char-" one of the pokemon's bit my arm "Ahhh!" My pokeball flew out of my hand and fell off the edge of the cliff. I freaked out "MY CHARZARD!" I ran to the edge, and jumped off to grab it. I grabbed my pokeball and brought it close to me, tears fell down my face "SOMEONE! HELP!" the ground got closer and closer. I closed my eyes, and hut the river.


~1 day later~

I opened my eyes, the Sun hitting my body. I sat up and smacked into something "Owwie!" I saw the 4 alolan guardians. Tapu Koko rubbed its head "Oh my!...I'm so sorry Tapu Koko!" I quickly stood up but got dizzy. I pulled through and bowed deeply, I fell to my knees "I'm very Clumsy...Again I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Tapu koko nodded. The rest of the guardians laughed, and I blushed from embarrassment.

I tried to stand up again and fell back down "Ow...What even happened?" Tapu koko pointed to where you were earlier "Oh! I remember now!" I smiled "You guys must have saved me! Thank you so much!" The Gaurdians turned and yelled out their names, I looked up to see a Ultra Wormhole. I gasped "Oh...no...this isint good is it." A weird pokemon came through it and landed on the ground. The ground shook, and I covered my head.

I uncovered my head and realized I was witnessing a battle. I gazed over and Tapu Fini was trying to help Tapu Bulu up. The weird pokemon sent a rock blast towards them, I yelled out to them but they couldnt hear me. I rushed over and protected them with my body. I felt the rocks pelt my body, yet I stayed still. The pain soared through my body, I fell to the ground.

Another ultra wormhole opened up, I was hoping it wasnt another weird pokemon. I was covered in wounds and scratches, I felt picked up and the werid pokemon held me in its hands "L-LET ME G-GO!" The werid pokemon jumped into the ultra wormhole "H-HELP!" The Gaurdians flew after me but it was too late the Ultra wormhole closed.

I cried out as the weird pokemon squeezed me "O-Ow! Stop p-please!" I gasped for air and cried. I heard 2 roars and the pokemon turned around "Huh?" I saw 2 pokemon standing there "ITS SOLGALEO AND LUNALA!" I wondered why they were here.

The pokemon jumped up on this cliff and ran away. I saw alot of more weird pokemon "Excuse me? Can you let me down? I need to go back home." Solgaleo roared and sent a blast towards the pokemon. The pokemon let out a howl and set a rock blast Solgaleo dodged and Lunala appeared. Lunala hit the pokemon with a moon blast. The pokemon let me go and I flew through the air.

I didnt have the strength to move and I was caught. I expected it to be Solgaleo but, it was a bit with dark blue hair, and a red and white hat. I blinked a few times and realized it was the Ultra Gaurdian. Lunala finally defeated the weird pokemon, and Solgaleo landed in front of me, and the boy.

Solgaleo growled, and the boy looked shocked "Solgaleo what's wrong?" more Ultra Gaurdians landed. I groaned in pain, and the boys pikachu sniffed me. Solgaleo got into a fighting stance, and powered his attacks. I gasped what is he doing? I stood up shakily and hopped off the flying pokemon. I walked towards Solgaleo, but fell over, Solgaleo ran fowards and sniffed me. Solgaleo put a paw in front of me, I realized he was just trying to protect me.

"Its o-okay Solgaleo..." Lunala roared and held Solgaleo back from hurting anyone. The boy and his friends hopped off, they ran towards me and pulled out a first aid. Solgaleo went crazy, Lunala was flown back but caught itself. Solgaleo ran towards me, everyone backed off, Solgaleo sniffed me again, and healed me.

I gasped "Thanks Solgaleo! I feel all better!" Solgaleo nuzzled my face. I giggled, and everyone was taken aback "Solgaleo...What's gotten into you?" I looked back at them "Hes super protective over her" a green haired girl pointed out. Everyone agreed "Solgaleo I have to go home, now." Solgaleo started to glow, I covered my eyes from the blinding light, I turned to see Solgaleo as human. I blushed as he was naked "AHHHHH! P-PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" Everyone looked away. Solgaleo snapped his fingers, and he was covered.

I sighed "Today...was eventful..." A ultra Wormhole opened up. I walked over to the boy, and was about to hop on when Solgaleo pulled me back. I looked at him "What's wrong?" "I dont want you near any other boys." I blushed heavily "Oh- uhm okay!" A girl with sandy blond hair held out her hand "You can come with me!" I smiled and jumpied on. Solgaleo jumped on with the boy with dark blue hair, we all flew through the hole. We were back at the alter of the Sun "Tapu Koko! Tapu Lele! Tapu Bulu! Tapu Fini! You all are okay!"

We landed, and the Gaurdians flew to me. I hugged all of them "I'm okay now thanks to Solgaleo!" Solgaleo stepped forward and wrapped his arms around my waist. I jumped "W-why are you so affectionate t-towards me?" Tapu Koko turned into a human, but he had clothes on. Solgaleo pulled me close to him, and watched Koko very closely. Tapu Lele giggled, and turned human "Your his soulmate! He seems very protective!" I snickered as I could use this to my advantage.

I walked towards the guardians, and hugged then all again "Thanks for everything!" They all hugged me back. Tapu koko winked at me, and nuzzled my face "Koko- Dont you dare touch her like that again. Hear me?" I giggled, and Solgaleo wrapped his arms around me again. I rolled my eyes "I should come back to see you guys again!" The ultra Gaurdians smiled at eachother, and introduced themselves.

I smiled "Thanks for catching me back there, Ash!" Ash rubbed his neck. Lillie grabbed me, and we both got on her flying pokemon. I waved to Solgaleo, Lunala, and the Tapu Gaurdians.


The end!
Tell me if you want a part 2!
1360 words!
Author-Chan out✌!

Pokehumans x Readers! Oneshots!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt