RDJ plays Cupid (Tom)

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This was it, the final day! 8 months i had spent on set with the Marvel cast, doing hair and makeup for the actors. Now i was on my last week and i'd probably never see any of them in person again. I took a deep breath before climbing out my car and heading towards the makeup trailer, trying my hardest not to bump into certain people who could possibly be looking for me and make me late! I walked round the corner, my chest instantly hitting into something.

"In a hurry y/n" i looked up to see RDJ staring down at me, a smirk on his face.

"I was trying to avoid you actually! I'm going to be late" He turned and hoked my arm through his.

"Well i shall walk and talk! Party tonight. Ceaeser Place hotel! You're coming!" I rolled my eyes and unhooked my arm.

"No...no way! Those kind of parties are for the cast...not the behind the scenes crew!"

"Nice try but you know everyones invited so i'll give you a minute to come up with another shitty excuse!"

"Rob, why can't you just accept the fact i dont want to come?"

"Because i know the real reason you don't want to come and quite frankly i think it's a stupid reason!" I sighed and walked into the makeup trailer, RDJ following behind me.

"Downey, im not going through this with you again. I can't risk ruining what i have with him and any chance of me been drunk means i could possibly blurt out some feelings that i would prefer be kept between me and you! Hell i didn't even want you to know but you made me all soft!" He smiled softly at me and sat in the make up chair.

"You wont ruin anything, Tom wants you just as much as you want him but you're both too awkward to do anything about it!" I sarcasticly laughed as i started putting gel in his hair. "I can guarantee he will be here in the next 5 minutes even though he isn't due for another 45 just so he can see you and talk to you!"

"Downey, just sssh, im trying to concentrate!"

"Ok but i'm serious, he will be OW!" He stopped talking as i pulled a hair out of the back of his head. "HEY!"

"Sorry, grey hair coming through!" I smirked and raised my eyebrows at him.

"Hey guys" Tom walked in and i saw Downey smirk and wink at me through the mirror!

"Hey Tom!" We both replied at the same time.

"So Tom, you coming tonight?" Downey asked Tom as he sat down on the sofa.

"Of course, you'd be stupid to miss a RDJ party!" Robert laughed and looked up at me, turning his body as he did.

"See y/n...Toms coming!"

"Tom is part of the movie..." i excalimed as i shoved his body back around to face the mirror!

"Dy/n, arent you coming?" Tom asked me.

"She thinks she isnt special enough because she isnt a part of the movie" Downey answered for me.

"You're extremely special! Everyone wants you there, including me...and Downey obviously!" Tom said shyly.

"See! Come on y/n, you can't say no to this face can you!" RDJ looked up at me, pouting his lips.

"Very easily. However, you've both twisted my arm, i will come...but only for an hour. Thats's it!" Tom and Rob high fived as Tom moved into the other chair next to me and RDJ!

"An hour is better than not at all!" Rob smirked.

Hours had passed, goodbyes had been said and filming had been filmed. That was it! All done! No more Marvel set for me. Everyone else would probably be back but i'm easily replaceable. I grabbed the last of my stuff and was about to head out the door when one of the producers stopped me.

"Hey y/n! I have the director of Thor Raganarok on the phone. Taikia Whititi. He asked if he could hire you to do the makeup and hair for their filming period! Will get back to you with a date?" I stood stunned for a second. "Apparantly Tom asked for you because you make him feel comfortable and you're friendly!"

"Absloutly, it would be my honour!" The producer smiled.

"Amazing, i'll pass your details on! Thank you for all your hard work my love! She says yes" i watched as he walked out and stood stunned for a second. Tom had asked for me personally. Holy fuck balls! Another Marvel contract meant i could finally put a deposit down on my house to properly own it! I could be a home owner!"

I walked out to my car with my stuff and placed everything in the boot before quickly driving back to my appartment and changing for tonight. I arrived at the door of RDJs house to be greeted by Tom smiling at me as i walked over to him.

"I heard we will be working together again!" He smirked.

"Yes we will. Thank you Tom, i really appreciate it! You have no idea how much it means to me!" I quickly hugged him.

"You can finally buy that house now!" I looked at him confused , causing him to laugh "you told me the first week of working together. I remember these things you know!" I laughed as he offered me his elbow. "Shall we?" I nodded.

"You weren't waiting out in the cold...for me were you?" I asked as we made our way inside.

"No no...i came out for abit of air and then you turned up not long after" i smiled "care to dance?"

"Sure" Tom escorted me to the floor and i noticed Rob smirk at me before whispering in the Djs ear!

"Ok ladies and gentlemen, grab you partner and lets do a bit of a slow dance" he shouted over the mic and i watched as Downey made an innocent face towards me, shrugging his shoulders. I felt Tom pull me close, his hand placed on my back and his other in my hand, my free hand on his shoulder.

"You ok?" Tom asked as i gave him my full attention back!

"Yeh sorry, just abit distracted. Crowds arent my thing!" He looked over to Downey who was watching us like a hawk.

"So, what's going on with you and Downey then? You spend alot of time together!" I laughed and shook my head.

"He's just a really good friend, he's like a brother to me. He helped me through a...difficult time in my life" Tom spun me into him and then pulled me closer to him.

"Oh...good." He said quietly


"Well, it's ya know...good that you're friends" i nodded and we fell into a comfortable silence as we danced. " i know you said you'd only be here an hour but could you stay a little longer, at least until the fireworks!"


"It's a RDJ party...go big or go home!" I laughed.

"Ok i'll stay until the fireworks!" Tom smiled.

We continued to dance for a while an then sat down, our conversation never dying down or feeling boring or forced. This is what i liked about Tom, i never felt uncomfortable around him. We stayed sat for about an hour before Rob announced for us to head outside for the fireworks. Me and Tom walked out with everyone but stayed at the back, Toms suggesstion.

"I love fireworkers!" Tom exclaimed as we watched Downey set them up!

"Me too!"

"Y/n...you look beautiful tonight by the way" i felt myself blush as i thanked him. "Would you like to get a drink and some food sometime, outside of work?" He asked. I looked up at him shocked but he wouldn't make eye contact with me!

"Like...a date?" I asked and he nodded, still not looking at me.

"I understand if you don't want to! I just thought there was maybe a spark but maybe it was only just me who fel-" i cut him off with a kiss on the cheek, causing him to turn to me. "Is that a yes?" I smiled and nodded at him.

The fireworks started to explode in the sky and we both watched in awe at the colours. I felt Tom grab my hand as we both looked up.

"Thank you for conviving me to stay!" I turned to Tom who turned his head to me.

"You're welcome y/n." He smiled at me and pulled me into his side, kissing my forehead as he did. "I wouldn't want to witness this with anyone else"

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