The pirate Queen (Loki)

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Name reuqested-Captain Grace Embelton

"Up you ghastly men. Dawn is breaking and the tide is setting. We must be away!" The young sea captain called to her crew from the deck of the Pirate Queen, the greatest ship to ever sale under the black flag! Her crew stood to attention! "Asgard is only a few short ticks away. Now remember this festival is full of rich people but we must do our best to blend. Be nice to the people, charm them...AND THEN ROB THEM FOR ALL THEY HAVE!" She shouted, sword hoisted high in the air as Cheers echoed over the ship deck.

"Captain, how do you intend to get into the palace?" Friggat, the captains right hand man hands over a map. "The gates are heavily guarded! At least four soldiers to a post!" He pointed round each gate, dotting the soldiers on.

"Here is my enterance!" Friggat looked at his captain confused.

"Thats...a wall Captain!"

"Your observation skills are as sharp as always Friggat!" Grace said with a tap of his hat. "I shall scale the wall while you and the crew go on land. Theres a small window at the top, big enough for little me. From there i knock out two guards and grab the jewels. Raspule has informed me of where best to attack."

"Will Raspule be back to the crew after this?" Grace smiled a cunning smile.

"A Captain never leaves her men behind! He has done a great job undercover, getting the information needed!"

A few tics later, Grace stood on the side of the ship, rope in hand.

"Do me proud lads" she goes to jump after throwing her rope through the window and making sure it was secure but turned to her crew. "No return on the ship without a piece of Asgardian gold! Be back in one hour!" She turned back and lept to the rope, grasping it tight and began her climb to the window.

On entry she could see that Raspule was right. Two guards covered her enterance but they were young boys, easily charmed. Easily damaged.

"Hello boys! I happen to be lost! Could either of you charming gentlemen show me the way to the jewels!" The soldiers looked at one another and then to the mysterious woman.

" arent allowed in their mam. Restricted area!"

"Restricted?"However will i steal all those jewels if i can't get in?!" Grace said with a sad face. The two soldier pulled their swords, followed by Grace doing the same. "Mines bigger" she said with a wink. The two men lunged but they were no where near as quick or as stealthy as the captain. With two easy swings both were knocked out on the floor without a scratch to Grace at all! "Sorry lads, nothing personal!" She said as she stepped over them pushing open the double doors.

Stood in front of her, shining, were piles upon piles of Gold. This was enough to feed all 9 realms, but instead it was locked away in a room like a trophy. Grace piled about 1000 asgardian gold pieces into her bag and tied it on her waist l, doing so again with another two bags.

"Well you let them off easy at least" Grace turned to the door. Her sword risen. A young man stood, two daggers at hand, staring at the soldiers who laid unconcious at his feet "you won't get far" the man said proudly.

"I'll get far enough away to spend it before caught!" Grace said with a smirk.

"No i don't think you will! I'll be taking those bags off of your waist now" The man stepped forward, raising a hand forward, asking for the gold to be placed there.

"Is that a challenge?" Grace asked, her eyebrows raised. Grace leaped forward at the man. His two daggers crossing over her sword, preventing a strike to his chest. Grace hated fighting. She made a promise to herself that she would never kill, only wound. However she knew this situation would easily turn into a kill or be killed moment. Using her quick wit she used the fight to change position so the window she had climbed through was directly behind her. The man lunged for her but she turned, throwing herself out the window towards the sea! She looked up to see the man staring down at her, a smirk on his face!

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