Cheating with a co-star (Tom)

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"You heard it here first folkes! Tom Hiddleston is off the market! Tom was seen sharing a pasionate moment with Night Manager co-star ,Elizabeth Debicki, while having a break from filming. More news on this later!" (Photos below!)

I scrolled through the 2 photos they had, Tom holding Elizabeth in a passionate embrace as they laughed and held hands. Another one of them kissing. I handed the phone back to my friend, not making eye contact with her as she took it off me. I stood up and started to walk out before Courtney stopped me. "What are you going to do?" I looked at her and shrugged.

"Theres nothing i can do! He made his choice. What was i thinking Courtney he's Tom Hiddleston for god sake! It was never going to work!" I sighed as i sat down. Courntney came beside me, placing her arms around me! "I really thought i meant something to him. I thought he was different. She's probably the reason he didn't want to go pulic with me!" Courtney sighed and crossed the article off.

"Maybe it's a misunderstanding! Maybe it's just a bad angle!" I shook my head.

"You don't need to stick up for him Courtney! He cheated on me...simple as that. Nothing more and nothing less!"
She looked at me as i sighed and stood back up, i'm on duty so it meant i got time to myself to think about everything without been interupted. I headed out to the school field and stood in my designted area. I couldn't really believe what was happening but at the same time i had expected it from the very beginning.

When i was asked to come assist at my old school i was ecstatic, even more so to find out i would be assissting Tom who had agreed to work with our sixth form during his 5 month filming break. We got to know one another over the following months, going out for coffee, Tom moving in for the remaining four months so he didn't have to pay for a hotel room weekly. We had become great friends and then Tom asked me out. Everything was perfect! Until he left. Well here we are! He has no reason to come back to the school so at least i won't have to see him! I watched as two of the 6th form students came over to me, smiling. I smiled back at them!

"Hey y/n" they greeted me eagerly.

"Hey ok?"

"Have you seen about Mr Hiddleston...gutted! I fancied the pants off of him!" I chuckled and shook my head.

"You and many others Ebony!" One of the other girls who normally hung out with Ebony ran over phone waving in the air!

"EBONY! LOOK AT TOMS LATEST TWEET!" She shouted which instantly got my attention. "It's all a lie! They aren't dating!" Ebony screamed.

"Shutup!!! So i have a chance again?" I laughed at her as she snatched the phone from her friend.

"What does it say?" I asked, genuinly intrigued to know. Ebony cleared her throat and started reading it.

'Tom tweeted 6 tweets in a thread saying 'i would just like to clear up some rumours that have recently exploded onto the internet about me and Elizabeth! The photos you saw were actually promo shots for The Night Manager. Whoever took these other photos, claiming they were something otherwise are highly mistaken. Elizabeth has a family that this could of seriously affected had her husband not been so trusting and understanding. We plan to sue said company and paparazzi for these false accusations but i just wanted to come on here and clear things up before it got too serious. Thank you for reading this and i hope you have a lovely day!' Wow that's so rude of the photographer...don't you think y/n" Ebony finished reading and turned her attention to me.

"Erm...yes. Very rude" i wasn't fully convinced. They were probably doing it for the money they would get from suing the company. All part of their little plan. Tom trying to convince me so he could have a fuck buddy to come home to that he could pretend to love. The girls say bye and walked off, heading towards their next lesson probably. I felt my phone vibrate and grabbed it to see Toms face lit up on my screen. He was calling me! I stared at it for a second before picking it up.

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