Tom Hiddlestons hero

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"So, what, he just left you and you havn't seen him since?"

"Pretty much" my friend shrugged her shoulders as walked through our local park. "Blocked my phone, blocked my socials. Everything. You'd think after 5 years he'd at least leave me respectfully" she said with a small, sad laugh.

"He's a jerk! You deserve better!" I told her as i threw my arm around her shoulder."i'll be your boyfriend, i'm a great cook, i make you laugh and i wont leave you...ever. I'm pratically perfect!" She laughed as she hugged into me. "Come on, lets go get ice cream!" She nodded and we made our way out the gates towards the ice cream parlour. I noticed a man on his phone starting to cross the road without looking, a car coming full speed towards him.

"HEY!" I shouted as i ran to him and pushed him out the way just before the car got to him. The car honked his horn, speeding off without checking we were ok. The man looked at me, slightly shocked.

"Excuse me, that is not ok! You don't just run up to me and tackle me. I understand you may be a fan but that does not give you the right to throw yourself at me!" He said slightly angry, Erin came over to me a scared look on her face.

"Oh my god are you ok!" I nodded and turned back to the man.

"I didn't tackle you because im a fan. I don't even know who you are. You were on your phone and a car nearly hit you. I 'tackled' you to stop you getting hit. Next time save yourself you arrogant arse." He was taken back by my comment as i walked off, Erin running to catch up with me.

"What was all that about? Who did you just tackle?" She asked and i just shook her off and carried on walking. Two days had passed and i had found myself back in the park, on my own, with a small picnic blanket and my favourite book waiting for Erin to finish work. I had a few small finger picking foods in my bag should i of needed them but i was happy and content. About an hour had passed and i was close to finishing the end of the book when,out of nowhere, a dog came bouncing up to me.

"Hey pup!" The dog jumped on me and started licking me, causing me to laugh. I started stroking it and they laid down for a belly rub. "Where's your owner? Are you lost?" I asked the pup, looking for anyone who showed any kind of distress over a missing dog but no one was in sight. "Do you have a name?" I looked on the collar to find the name Bobby ingraved on it. "Hey Bobby!" I said as i stroked the dog again. I noticed a number on his collar and pulled out my phone, dialing it.

"Hello!" He sounded stressed whoever he was.

"Hi, erm my name is y/n, i'm in Belgrave park and i think i have your dog!" I heard him let out a breath of relief.

"Oh my god, thank god! I was stretching after my run and he just ran off! Where abouts are you?"

"Do you know where the north enterance is?" I asked him.

"I do!"

"Great, go to that enterance and you will see me on a picnic blanket under a tree, Bobby is chilled out next to me!" I heard him do a soft chuckle and said he would be there as soon as he could and put the phone down. A short while after i noticed a man in a cap running towards us with a smile on his face. Bobby instantly recognised him and ran to him, jumping to his legs.

"Don't ever scare Dad like that again, you almost gave me a heart attack." He said as he cuddled and stroked Bobby. He stood straight and walked over to me. "Thank you!" I looked up to him and stood up.

"You!" I said with equal shock.

"Erm...well...hi" he said placing a hand to the back of his kneck with an awkward look.

"Hi!" I said with a small smile and nod.

"I guess thats two thanks i owe you now!" He said as he held out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Tom! Thank you for saving my life and then for finding and looking after my dog!" I placed my hand in his, shaking it.

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