Captain James Conrad

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"Agent y/l/n...the best of the best!" My boss called to me as i walked into his office. I did a quick smile towards him and sat down. "We have a new job for you! Captain James Conrad has asked for our top agent to help him on a top secret mission" i crossed my arms and leant back in my chair.

"Sounds exciting! Where would i be heading?" My boss looked at me with one eyebrow raised. "oh's a secret!" He nodded.

"Only Captain Conrad knows what your job is so i have set up a meeting point for you!" He slid a small piece of paper over to me. "Your coordinates are on there and he wishes to meet you at 15:00 hours." I saluted my boss with minmal effort and made my way out of the office and towards my destination. When i arrived i noticed a big group of soldiers setting up a perimeter with cones. I started to walk towards the base when i was stopped by one of the soldiers, his gun pointing at the ground,ready to be aimed at any second.

"This is a no civillian zone mam, i'm afraid i'm going to have to ask you to turn around" i rolled my eyes and placed my hand in my pocket, causing the soldier to aim his gun at me.

"Wow...put that thing down before you poke somebodys eye out. I'm getting you my ID!" I pulled out my badge and held it out to the soldier who slowly placed his gun down and stepped forward, taking the badge from me. "I'm here to see Captain James Conrad. Names Agent y/l/n! I was told he would be expecting me at 15:00 hours. Please let him know i am here!" The soldier looked at my badge and then me before handing it back and running in the opposite direction. "I'll just wait here then shall i?" I called out to no one in paticular. I noticed a man walking towards me who was dressed different to everyone else. He stood in front of me and took my ID out of my hand.

"Excus-" i tried to speak but he cut me off.

"Agent y/l/n?" i nodded. "The captain asked for the best agent the company had and they sent a woman?. Where is the famous Agent y/l/n i have heard so much about? Is he your brother?" I was about to kick his ass into next week until a voice cut me off.

"Now now Bennett! Where are your manners?" I turned towards the voice and in its place stood a tall man with mousy brown hair. "Agent y/l/n, thank you for coming at such short notice. I am James Conrad, i called for you! I have a job i require your help with!" He motioned with his head for me to follow him which i did. "What do you know of the ACID Archive Network?" He asked as we made our way towards a truck.

"I know it's one of the most hidden companies of the world, they work with unique creatures" he nodded. "I've heard through a connection that they currently have a very large species at their compound which they don't want anyone finding out about" James oopened the passaner door to a truck for me to climb in which i did. He closed the door and climbed in the other side. "Is that why i'm needed, to help find the base?" James smirked and shook his head.

"You're currently driving on the base agent. What i need your help with is in connection to the large species you previosuly mentioned. We gave them the name Reptons! They are sort of like dinasours but bigger, stronger and alot more teeth. One got loose about 5 hours ago, it's tracker lost signal about a mile from the base and everyone we have available refuses to go after it without the right equipment." I looked to him confused.

"I didn't bring any equipment, so what am i doing here?" James pulled over at the side of the road and told me to follow him. He lead me to the end of a cliff that looked over a huge stretch of land covered by trees. "Let me guess, you're caluculations predict it's somewhere down there, hiding?" He nodded.

"We have bout 7 hours until it gets hungry and starts looking further out for food!" James stated as we both looked out.

"How close is the nearest town?" He looked at me with a worried look on his face. "James...?"

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