The Musical Episode (Loki)

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Musical episode- best way is to have the songs ready to play and read as you go with the song :) not the full songs and they are all from different shows :) enjoy.

Let me set the scene for you, y/n is a dress maker for the royal females of the court of Asgard. Faith Voltaire is her older sister and the soon to be wife of Thor Odinson. Loki Laufeyson is soon going to be their brother in law, Alizabet is Lokis soon to be wife. Alizabet is y/ns best friend who does not want to marry Loki and instead dreams of a simple life. Their wedding is in two week. Feel caught up? Good! Let's begin!

(Free- Barbie The Princess and The Pauper- Youtube)
"Oh, we're late, late, late
We have twenty, maximum twenty-two minutes for your royal fitting
And then it's move, move, move to your speech at the Historical Society
After that we have to rush, and I mean rush to the Horticultural Society Tea
And then there's your Math lesson, your Geography lessons, your Science lessons" Alizabets teacher wonders round the room stressed, his tense attitude making Alizabet yawn and lose focus again, looking out to the gardens below.

"All my life I've always wanted
To have one day just for me
Nothing to do and for once nowhere I need to be
With no lessons, lords, or lunches
Or to-do list in the way
No one to say when to eat or read or leave or stay
That would be the day" Alizabet stands tall again as her mother and father enter the room to discuss her wedding details.

Back in Asgard, a very eager y/n works tirelessly on the wedding dress she has been commissioned. This dress could be her ticket out of here! Once she had finalised the payment she would be free to leave! Although she loved her sister dearly, she would not be needed once Faith was married for she would have The famous God of Thunder as her protector. This was her chance to go out and do what ever she wanted.

"All my life I've always wanted
To have one day for myself
Not waking up with a pile of work on every shelf
With no hems in need of pressing
And no sleeves in disarray
No wedding gown with a thousand stitches to crochet
And no debt to pay"

"What would it be like to be"
"What would it be like to be"


"Free to try crazy things" Alizabet sang as she circled around on her balcony, the only place she felt she could be alone.

"Free from endless iou's" Not having the simple pleasure of a garden, y/n found her comfort in her small corner libary of her little atick bedroom, where no one could hear her.

"Free to fly"

"Free to sing"

"And marry whom I choose" Alizabet looked down from her balcony to her assistant Thomas, with whom she was besotted by. Not that her parents would ever find out, but he was the reason she was so against marrying the Prince.

"So my dear, as you know, it is vital to this family that you marry the Prince, it is the only way to keep our family name high in the courts and to ensure safety for any future members who join us" she said pointing to her stomach. She's not even married yet and they're already discussing children.

"I is my duty!" Alizabet said as she, once again, looked down to Thomas. She looked back at her mother with a fake smile as they walked back inside.

Y/n struggled to finish the final seam of the veil as she placed it back onto the manaquin, deciding she was done for the day. The door bell rang as Prince Loki entered onto the shop floor, a bounce in his step as usual when visiting Y/N who popped her head around the corner to see who was here.

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