Loki and the TVA- Part one.

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Disclaimer: THIS IS EP 2 OF THE LOKI SERIES- There will be spoilers if you havn't seen it yet. Some things will be different to accomodate my character and her input. Will also be two parts :) script from the show with my own spin on it.

"Loki, stop trying to hit Miss Minutes, it isn't going to change the fact you have to watch the training videos!" I tell him as he attempts for the third time to hit Miss Minutes with the jet ski magazine. She jumped in the computer, away from Loki.

"She called me a jerk..." i rolled my eyes and took the magazine from him.

"You are a jerk!"

"I see training is going well!" Mobius came over to us, a smile on his face. "Is that my jet ski Magazine?" I nodded.

"Lokis been trying to hit Miss Minutes with it!"

"She called me a jerk!" Loki admited again.

"You are a jerk!" I pointed to mobius while looking at Loki with my eyebrows raised. "Suit up, you're needed. Y/n, you stay here!"

"No she comes with me. That was the deal!" Loki interjected.

"Not this time, i just need you, we wont be long and Miss Minutes will keep her safe" Mobius promised.

"You expect me to leave her in the hands of a talking clock hologram!" Loki asked with a laugh. "Don't be absurd. She comes with me or i don't go!" He crossed his arms, looking up at Mobius.

"Oh shutup, Loki i will be fine, just go! Stop been such a baby!" He looked at me with a frown on his face. I grabbed his jacket and threw it at him. "I'll be fine...i promise!" I said softly as he placed his jacket on.

"If anything happens to her, i'm placing everyone repsonsible and i will kill you all" he announced to everyone as he walked off and Mobius looked at me.

"He doesn't mean that! Stay safe" i waved them off as Miss Minutes climbed out of the computer.

"He is not a nice man!" She said with a her tiny hands on her clock face.

"He's ok! Just a little fragile sometimes" i said as i watched them leave through the portal window, Loki looking back at me first, checking i was ok!

"So what's going on with you two!" Minutes asked me as she sat on the books on my desk.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on, i may be a clock but i can see things clear enough. The way he needs you by his side, how he is always checking you're safe and threatning anyone who dares go near you. He pratically screams your boyfriend!" I laughed and shook my head.

"No it's nothing like that! He's just protective around me because he got us in this position."

"Oh yeh...it was meant to be him alone but he refused to speak until you were here so we had to bring you! Sure he doesn't love you!" Minutes said with a roll of her eyes. "He wants you and you want him! So whats keeping you apart?"

"Probably the fact i am betrothed to his brother" i said, picking up the jet ski magazine and opening it.

"Yes but you dont want to be. Loki helped you see that..."

"I was there, i do know this, you don't need to explain to me!" I cut her off.

"Well Loki-"

"If you speak about Loki liking me one more time, i will hit you with this!" I said, holding the magazine in the air.

Time passed quite quickly and soon enough I was sat in the canteen with Mobius, who had just sent Loki off to do some file research.

"And you actually got him to do it?" I asked with a laugh.

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