Proffessor Hiddleston

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Name request- Emily
Adult content in this one :)

The club was thriving. Emily stood at the bar, the condensation from her nearly full glass dripping onto her hands as she stared out to the dance floor.

"Not really your scene?" Emily turned her back on the dance floor as she faced the bar man.

"It normally is but i just moved here so i'm going steady!" The barman nodded.

"Well welcome to Laundradale! Come to me for your next drink. On the house!" Emily smiled, thanking him before heading off to find her friend.

"Heyyy come meet my new friends!!" Catherine, Emilys room mate, appeared out of no where, pulling Emily towards a group of guys and a few girls. "This is Matthew, Benedict, Chris and Tom!" They all shook Emilys hand as they exchanged hi's and hellos. "This is Amelia, Kate and Olivia!" Emily shook their hands too but they weren't as enthused as the men. Clearly seeing Emily as competition in a race against them. The prize yet to be discovered by Emily.

Hours had passed and Emily had gone from one drink to the next; talking to the guys, scrapping with one of the girls who wouldn't leave Tom alone. She'd had a rather fun night. How was she ending it you ask? Well...

"Fuck! I can't get my shoe off" Emily laughed as she watched Tom try to kick his shoe to the side of the bed. His t-shirt, following shortly after his pants, also found its way to the floor. Toms lips ravished Emilys as he laid her roughly on the bed, Emily smirking up at him!

"Keep looking at me like that and i'll make sure you can't walk for a week!" Tom whispered in her ear.

"I have no other plans. A week in bed sounds good" Emily teased. Tom growled as he reached for the condom on the bedside table.


"GOOD MORNINGGGGG!!!" Emily felt like her brain was on fire. Her whole body felt weak from the hangover...and other things! Regretably, she shot up in bed, looking for another torso laid next to her. "Oh lover boys gone! He left you a note though with a glass of water and some paracetemol. Here!" Catherine handed her the things Tom had left and stood on the bed "So tell me all about it!" Catherine bounced on the bed like an excited child but quickly met the floor as Emily pushed her off.

"Let me eat and shower and then we can go get coffee and talk!" Cathering clapped her hands like a giddy child and left the room. Emily took the paracetemol and opened the note.

Em, sorry i had to leave without saying goodbye! Heres my number if you want to message. If not that's fine! Thank you for a wonderful night.

Emily picked up her phone, adding his number to her contacts before pulling it up and opening the text tool.

Damn you really werent kidding about not been able to walk huh? 😂

Texts had been going forward and back, flirtatious mostly. Some, dare she say, alot more risquè than she would of normally sent but every part of her needed Tom and every text was one step closer to seeing him again. Tom was away for the last weeks of Summer so they had arranged to see each other once he was back. Emily hated to admit that she was falling for him but he was like nothing she'd ever seen in a guy before. It was as if he was written by a woman. The true fairytale guy!

Tom Hiddleston one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora