Lokis got hots for a Fangirl

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Requested- Steff

The new year started for Steff just as shitty as the last year had ended. She ,once again, found herself trapped in a boring job with a terrible manager and even more terrible members of staff but it paid the bills and allowed her to remain in the heart of New York City. She had nothing special about her and quite frankly anyone she knew would describe her as Boring and Vanilla...facts that were true...unless she let you into her dark, secret fanbase! She had started it two years ago when there was an attack on New Yorl which was fought off by the Avengers. The focus of her fanbase, you would be suprised to know, was not the dashing playboy Toni Stark or the Captain out of his time. It wasn't the gorgeous God Of thunder whose strength and looks were enough to knock anyone to the floor unconcious, it was infact his brother Loki, The god of Mischief.

"Omg reading all your theories on Norse Mythology totes explains why Loki did what he did! I'd bow to him anyday!"

"Loki was always going to be the bad guy if his dad didn't care enough to give him the attention he clearly needed"

"Loki been cast a hero after helping the Avengers was the outcome i needed after this year. Thanks @Lokislifestory for helping show everyone he's really not the bad guy!"

Steff stood in the back of the cafes cloak room, eating her noodles while scrolling through the comments on her latest update about Loki. Honestly, she could probably write a huge novel about him by now but since most people have decided he's a bad guy she knew it wouldn't sell well if at all. Her fanbase followers enjoyed reading her work but she didn't believe her work was worthy of been paid for and she didn't think her 'fans' would either.

"Large coffee for Tom Hiddleston!" Steffs head shot up from her phone...Hiddleston, that was Lokis secret identity when he didn't want to be seen as himself. Since becoming a small part of the Avengers, he had slowly started to pay off his debts and was on his way to being a full time Avenger but most people still weren't happy with him. She stepped out of the cloak room and peered her head around the corner to see if she could see him.

"What are you doing freak?" Steffs most annoying co worker asked as she shoved past her shoulder. "Hand this to that man there will yah!" She demanded as she pratically forced the coffee into her hand and walked away. Steff slowly walked out, making eye contact with the one person she never thought she would meet.

"Hi, my large coffee was shouted but i havn't got it yet." Steff just stared at him, mouth slight open. Words trying to form but nothing but breath coming out!

"Sorr...sorry" steff coughed to clear her throat "thank you for your patience" She handed the cup over and his fingers grazed her hand for a second as he pulled it from her.

"Have a nice day" Loki said as he left, a small smile and grateful nod.

"You too" he was already gone by the time she replied.

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