To overturn Odin (Loki)

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Requested! Character name- Theresa!

It had been a long time since Theresa had set foot on Asgard. Two years, 3 months, 6 days and 34 minutes to be exact! She was banished by Odin for his assumptions that she was using forbidden magic to spell Loki and make him fall in love with her. One could only imagine why he would think such a thing given her old post was a maid for him and nothing more. Why wouldn't Odin suspect witchcraft. Don't worry, she wasn't breaking the rules by coming to Asgard, in fact it was quite the opposite. Odin had sent her a sealed letter demanding her return to meet with him in private, his only rule been Loki must not know she was there.

She held her cloak over her head tight, taking the back alleys towards the palace to avoid been seen by anyone. She took the maid quaters through the castle, knowing that was her safest option to remain out of sight.

"Brother i wish youd smile for once, i'm so bored of seeing your frowny face!" Theresa hid round the corner as the two voices came closer with each step. Loki and Thor! She had to be strong, she couldn't reveal herself yet! If this was her chance to prove to Odin she wasn't a witch then she needed to follow his rule. The men walked by her, completely oblivious to the stranger in the hood. Thank god she wasn't here to over power Odin because his sons would of been no help to him. She continued to make her way to the location Odin had sent her.

"You're late!" Odins voice rang out into the room as she entered cautiously.

"By about 20 seconds. I had to hide from your sons so i didnt break your stupid rule" Theresa argued as she removed her hood from her face.

"Do not back chat me Witch! Sit." Odin pointed to a chair as he himself sat down. "My son Loki, he is set to marry Princess Analise to tie the two Kingdoms together, however, he refuses to because he is still in love with you. I want you to break your spell, clearly sending you away was not enough to do so."

"My Lord, i have no power! I never have had power. I undertsand why you think i would given that i was just Lokis maid but he fell in love me with of his own free will!" Odin stood, walking slowly towards Theresa, who felt her heart jumping out of her chest.

"You will break your little spell or you shall be locked in the dungeons for the reaminder of your life." He held the pointed end of his staff into Theresas kneck who grabbed it, trying to relieve the pain by pushing it back but it was no use.

"Sir please, i am not a witch, there is no spell!"

"LIAR!" Odin pushed harder as Theresa cried out in pain. "Please i beg you stop!"

"Odin! Let her go this INSTANT!" Odin looked to the door to see his wife stood, hands on hips. He gruffed and looked at Theresa for a second before pulling his staff away. "Theresa come here!" Theresa ran towards Frigga and hugged her tight. "Odin this is ridiculous. I've told you time and time again she is not a Witch. To be a witch you must be born from a Witch and Theresas mother was Asgardian."

"You can learn the did!" Odin called out.

"She was a maid on less than asgardian wages. What on earth makes you think she could afford such tools?"

"I am ODIN, you will not argue against me or question me. What i say goes am i understood?" Frigga stood strong but knew it was no use arguing. "Break the spell!" He turned to Theresa.

"I can't" she shouted, tears following.

"Then you have doomed yourself. GUARDS!" Two men came rushing in,grabbing her arms roughly and pulling her out of the room."take her to the dungeons!" She heard Odin shout before watching the door slam shut on Friggas sad, worried face.

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