Illness and Q/A Announcement

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So, I happen to be very ill. I got a bad dose of COVID (somehow. I haven't left the house in many moons, I don't know how I caught it), and I have been heavily drugged. Antibiotics and anti-allergenics do not go well together, by the way. Everything hurts, I'm sweating all the time, I had blood tests (I hate needles), I am severely dehydrated, etc. 

Now, my creative juices have taken a vacation. I have been staring at an empty page for weeks, and I want to do SOMETHING. If not a chapter, then, a Q and A.

So, shoot me your questions about the story, ask questions to the characters themselves, whatever, and I'll answer your questions in another update. AND, since I am an idiot who thinks I won't get too many questions, I guarantee to answer all questions, and not skip over any. If I feel the question is unanswerable, I'll still acknowledge the question, not ignore it.

So, make me regret it, I challenge you. Multiple questions are fine.

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