Chapter 1

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The pink haired Dragon Slayer stood against a tree, panting, while looking at the area that used to be a forest, but now was just a lone tree. He had learnt almost all kinds of Dragon Slayer magic, but he preferred blood Dragon Slayer magic. The smell of blood sharpened his senses and made him high. He turned back to return to his cave.

"Sangy? Igneel? Where are you? Igneel!" Natsu searched the place but saw no sign of the two dragons. He looked for them everywhere, setting out of the cave. He was just seven at the time.

Meanwhile, in another forest, in the town of Magnolia, a pink haired woman was taking care of her plants outside her cottage, when she felt a dark and powerful aura. She turned towards it and saw a red mist. She said, "Who are you? Show yourself!"

"Who I am does not matter. You will find a pink haired boy travelling along this path. Take him to the Fairy Tail guild, regardless of what he wants. If you don't," the fog seemed to lean in, "The Cursed Lord will destroy you."

Saying this, the fog disappeared. The lady was about to get back to the work that she was doing, but stopped as she sensed another source of dark power. Turning again, she saw a pink haired child with harsh eyes walking in that direction.

"What is your name, child?"

The boy sniffed the air, looking confused. He asked, "Grandeeney?!"

The lady's eyes widened. That was indeed her name from her original home. She regained her composure and said, "Come with me." The boy replied, "I won't go anywhere unless you give me food."

"I don't have any here, but there is food in the place where I am taking you."

The boy grinned. It was less of a happy grin and more of a manic one.

"Let's go!"

Upon reaching the guild, the lady opened the door to a lot of commotion. The moment everyone saw her, they quietened down.

"Where is Makarov?" asked the lady. A tiny man waddled in. "Porlyusica? Why are you here?"

"I found this boy in the jungle. I want you to take him in."

Makarov looked at the boy's moody face. "Does he really want to join?"

"I don't.," stated the boy curtly.

"You'll get food if you join."

The pinkette seemed to perk up at the mention of food. "What would I have to do if I joined?"

The man called Makarov said, "Well, you would be given our guild mark. You would be able to take job requests for money..." Makarov explained most of the guild system to the boy. "So, will you join?"

"I will, but I have a condition."

 "What would that be?" What was the worst that could happen?

"I want to join as an S-Class Wizard."

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