[New Version] Snowfall

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SNOWFALL is the sequel to SNOWFIRE. This version you're reading is the latest, edited version (as of 2021). The plot will match book 1 SNOWFIRE and it continues Eira and Jason's story from there. 

Hello my dear reader, thank you for being here.

Initially, I didn't want to continue with the series anymore, nor did I want to finish editing SNOWFALL. I had wanted to put my energy into my other writing projects and other things in life. But Eira and Jason and many others were some of the first few characters that popped up in my head and were never able to leave. 

They marked the beginning of my journey on Wattpad and overall, the beginning of my writing journey. They were the characters that appeared in my very first published book on Wattpad. I found that I was unable to completely leave them.

They've been with me for so long and I think that they deserve an ending.

So, here they are and this is their story.


[As I update Snowfall, the previous old chapters will be available but THEY HAVE MAJORLY DIFFERENT PLOTLINES TO BOOK 1! And during my updates, I will slowly unpublish the old chapters] 

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