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"This has to be our forth mission together." 

Jason looked at Luke with a raised brow, "You actually took count, wow."

"Look, I'm a detailed person okay?"

"Your room says otherwise." Jason whispered. 

"Quiet, you'll scare the prey."

"Says you."

They stayed low behind a fallen trunk, waiting for a sound... any sound.

"What are we here for again?" Luke leaned over.

Jason sighed, "I thought you said you were a detailed person."

"Shut up and tell me."

"Finding the Xena with the target, eliminate it, and then head back to the base. We've done this before."

"Alright, alright!" Luke raised his hands in surrender. 

They stayed silent for a while, until a rustle in the trees spooked them. They lowered themselves until they heard a thunderous boom. 

"Is that..."

They both nodded at each other and got ready. 

"I'll distract it with my flame, you attack it from its back."

"Got it."

They split up, Jason sneaking to the shadows of the trees. He looked around, Luke was nowhere to be seen. 

"Shadow..." he murmured to himself. 

Another thump shook the Earth beneath his feet, but Jason was steady. He turned around the trunk and threw a ball of flames. 

The flame flew into the air before it puffed into smoke before the beast. The furry, round beast turned around to look at the flame. It's head turning 360 degrees in interest. As the smoke evaporated, the beast focused his eyes on him. The bloody drool dripped from the side of it's wide mouth, it stood on its two legs and raised its body above the ground. 

Jason widened his eyes. Alright, this is a big one. 

Jason jogged on the spot, loosening his tense muscles. Come on, you've done this before. 

He stood still and waved around his hand. Fire trailed after his fingers, creating a circle in the air. The smoke he created almost choked him and he took a quick breath over his shoulder.

"Come on..." he said.

The beast finally obliged and followed him. 

"Yes!" Jason cheered quietly before he ran for it. He weaved through the trunks and bent down when the beasts tail swung above his head.


He grabbed a branch and pushed himself. He slid on the autumn leaves, down the slope. He pressed on his earpiece.

"Dude! Where are you?!"

"I'm getting there, be patient!" 

The beast roared as it lost it's patience for Jason's tricks. It reached out with massive claws. The sharp talon dug into the trunk. Jason leaped forwards as the tree fell behind him. 

"Well it's certainly not getting any more patient." Jason muttered to himself. The tail swung in all sorts of directions, it's claw digging into the soil and stirring up dirt as Jason dodged from side to side. 

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