A Darkness Called Beast

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When Eira told Lathan about her encounter with Beast, Lathan got up from his chair in a fury. Eira watched him pacing back and forth in his office— his beautiful office with leather chairs and big windows and doors that opened —trying to remain calm for Eira's sake.

"You will not die, Eira. I'll not allow it." He had said.

Eira smiled sadly.

"You said... it talks to you?" Lathan pivoted and approached Eira in two big strides.

"I haven't been really polite back," Eira sighed.

Lathan rubbed his chin, "I haven't gotten much out of my research. But it seems our training has triggered the beast to appear."

"What should I do about it?" Eira shivered and hid her shiver with her hand cupping her elbows. "I'm scared that it's telling the truth."

"Next time you see it, try and talk to it. See what else it knows."

"Do you think that's the poison you were talking about?"

"Possibly, yes."

Lathan suggested a communication between the two, and even though Eira agreed, she was fearful of the Beast itself. Fearful of speaking to it.

For two nights in a row, she sat on the empty field, watching the moonlight. She closed her eyes and tried to reach her inner core. A journey that didn't take too much effort. She would find the water inside her, waves washing against the shore, the particles moving and bubbling. She knew she had to move with the rhythm of the water, until it settled and rippled in a melody. And she'd hum to it, like a siren luring prey, and the core would open to her. Inside, she saw the colour of blue, in its own azure hues. She saw dark spots tainting it, swirling from side to side like a shadow hiding from the sun. She never reached it.

Yet another two nights passed, and she was met with failure. Out of frustration she even froze the grass beneath her feet, sending spikes into the air and the water hissing in wrath. One night, however, Eira tried something different.

She laid down on her back, the grass tickling her neck and did her best to calm her anger that was sizzling inside her. She sighed loudly, letting the breeze caress her cheeks. She closed her eyes and swam into her inner waters. It was ice cold, but it didn't alarm her, she was used to the sensation, it was not foreign.

She saw the shadows, they escaped from her once again but this time, she did not chase after it. She waited. This was not real water. She could not drown inside it.

Of course you can drown in it.

"You've appeared."

I've come to tell you that I can drown you if I choose to.

Eira felt her throatt tighten. The beast was doing something. She breathed out an even breath and held onto the brighter side of her core. The water. The ice. Herself.

"If I die, you'd die too."

That's true. But drowning you won't drown me...

"What do you mean?"

I take over you. All of you. I devour your whole core. I can do whatever I please.

Eira felt Beast challenge her. The shadows expanded, testing its boundaries within her powers. She grew a wave and pushed it down, the darkness hissed.

"I'll die if you do this."

Then I'll find another vessel.

Beast was retreating and Eira felt her own powers forcing her retreat. She prolonged her visit, holding onto the water like frost clinging to branches.

"You can't."

Beast stopped its movements.

And what makes you say that? Weakling...

"My name is Eira."

And I'm Beast.

Eira noticed the tone edged with resentment.

"You're not. What's your name?"

This was met with laughter.

I am a thing! A parasite that feasts on others. I will forever feast on you, until your heart bleeds dry...

Eira sat straight. She was back outside, back to reality and the world. The back of her shirt was wet from her sweat and she was panting harshly, her hand clutching her chest as her heart raced.

That was as far as she could get that night.

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