chapter sixteen - hit

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"how is that even possible?" you asked him.
"how can one man destroy the whole city?"
"ruvik isn't just a normal man, you know," sebastian answered.
"we are all part of this wicked plan of him to get a new host so he can continue his studies and get revenge. that's why we're connected to this machine called STEM. ruvik's brain is the basis and the most important part of STEM, so we are currently in his world. everything we see is his imagination and he can create, transform and destroy things as he pleases. that's why he's so powerful. and most importantly dangerous. we should just try to avoid him and find the way out of here."
"and how do we do that? how can we escape out of the mind of someone else?"
"i don't know yet... but we need to-"

the detective and you turned around and saw a brown haired man with glasses and a woman wearing a white blouse standing a few feet away from you.
"joseph!" sebastian started walking towards them and seemed relieved to see some familiar faces.
"it's good to see you, man. what happened? and who are they?" the man looked in your direction.
"oh yes, let me introduce you. these are leslie and y/n. y/n, this is joseph oda, my partner and juli kidman."
you slightly smiled at them. "nice to meet y-"

"yeah, yeah that's great but i think we should get away from here as fast as possible." juli cut you off. she turned her attention to leslie. "hello leslie. i'm juli, let's get you safe okay?" she approached him but he hastily got behind you.
"it's okay leslie, she won't hurt you. i'm right here okay?"

"i think it's best if we let y/n care for leslie, he seems to trust her," sebastian said.
"fine," juli spat "but we don't have much time. any idea where to go?"
before anyone could say something the ground started shaking again. this time, it was fatal. whole buildings were moved, massive gaps started to appear.
sebastian looked around. "what about this ambulance?"
joseph nodded and fixed his glasses. "yeah, that could work."
you rushed to the ambulance. joseph and sebastian got in the front, kidman, leslie and you in the back.
"joseph, go!" sebastian shouted.

you heard the screeching tires as joseph started to drive at full speed. it was insane. the whole town seemed to collapse. how can one man have the control over all of this?
leslie sat next to you and whimpered.
"it's okay leslie, settle down. you're going to be fine, i promise."
you put your arm around him and tried to comfort him as good as possible.

"what the hell..." joseph watched in disbelief as an entire building was moving right in the way of the ambulance. he pulled the steering wheel as hard as possible and managed to dodge the building right before it crashed into another one right behind you.
that was close...
"fine...fine...fine...fall, fall..." leslie kept mumbling these words.
juli looked at leslie in a way you didn't like at all. what was her intention? why was she so interested in leslie?
you noticed that he started to shake.
"don't worry, i'm here..."you said.

sebastian noticed that the ambulance started to sway side to side. "joseph, try to keep that steering wheel still... joseph!"
sebastian turned to his left. "joseph are you listening to m-"
he couldn't finish his sentence as joseph had already transformed and was obviously fighting his murderous rage.
"not again..." sebastian mumbled. "joseph! joseph can you hear me?"
but he didn't seem to have himself under control anymore. the ambulance veered off course and sebastian looked back on the road.

"fine...fine...fine...fall. FALL!" leslie started screaming.
"what...?" that was all you managed to whisper. the next moment juli, leslie and you were thrown around in the back of the ambulance. you caught a glimpse through the window and could see the sky, moving away from you. everything went in slow motion.
was this how you would die?
you felt the ambulance hitting the ground.

pain. this was your first thought. your whole body was aching as you slowly regained your consciousness. you tried to open your eyes and started to panic as you remembered what happened. where is leslie? is he safe? did ruvik get him?
you hadn't even fully opened your eyes when you heard a familiar voice.
"y/n... it's o-okay... i-i'm here..."
it was leslie. you could finally open your eyes and saw him looking down on you. your head laid on his lap and he held you close to him. his expression was worried.
"i thought i l-lost you... forever."

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