chapter thirteen - agitate

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leslie walked up and down in his room. it was 3:27am - but he was restless. all the memories, the pain... it kept him up, every night. this knot in his stomach never unwinds, and it was awful. he didn't even know why he was walking. he guessed that it soothed his soul, at least a little bit. or maybe he just couldn't stand being locked up in his room for most of the day. they'd only let him out for meals and appointments, the rest of the day he had to spend in here. alone.

but the worst thing wasn't that he was alone... he was lonely. he couldn't even remember the last time he felt different. it all seemed so far away. was there even a time when he felt something besides fear and loneliness? he couldn't remember. his mind was filled with painful and horrifying memories. he saw him, over and over again. even in his dreams, when he was able to sleep. he relived these moments over and over again, and it slowly but surely destroyed him.

he snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his window. the only thing between him and, well he didn't really know... freedom, maybe? but what does freedom even mean?
he wanted to go out, feel the wind blowing through his hair. he wanted to see the rain and let it gently drop on his face. he wanted to see... (y/n). he didn't really realise it before, but he... missed her? he started to think about what it would be like to do all these things with her. walking through the rain. admiring the beautiful nature. sitting on a bench, just enjoying the moment. he realised how much he wanted that. no... needed that. and it scared him. he longed for something he could never have.

the blood under his nails already had a darker colour and started to crumble. he had the strange urge to look in the mirror. but he couldn't. he hasn't looked in a mirror in years. the clinic personal doesn't allow mirrors in this section. leslie walked over to his bathroom and turned on the tap. the cold water ran over his hands. he cupped his hands and gently splashed some water on his face.

it knocked on his door. leslie winced. he turned off the tap and carefully walked over to the door. suddenly, he felt waves of pain roaming through his body. he couldn't help but scream. his hands covered his ears in an attempt to stop it, but to no help. it's happening again. right before he passed out, he saw him entering his room.

you didn't know for how long you've been walking through this dark hallway. it felt like hours. you desperately searched for something to show you where exactly you were and why. but nothing. there was just darkness. the brown water slowly dropped from the ceiling and gave you an uneasy feeling. "where the hell am i?"
this felt so familiar. then, a door appeared out of nowhere. it was old and rusty and covered in an eerie substance. you shuddered and slowly walked closer. there were some noises behind the door, but they seemed far away. you decided to carefully open the door and there was...

nothing. not a single sign of life. you became more and more desperate and nervous. it was just a big room without a single object in it.
suddenly you saw something. or someone? you were only able to catch a glimpse of it, but it was enough for you.
"hello?" you said and started running after it. you didn't care if it was dangerous or not, the emptiness drove you crazy. you ran faster and faster until you were able to see it. it was a human. they wore white clothes.
"hello! please wait!"
they didn't stop but weren't really fast either, thankfully.
there were so many turns, it was hard for you to keep up. you ran around a corner and instantly stopped. the other person crouched in front of a door and shook their head slowly.
you carefully approached them until you were standing right behind them.


you are my home - leslie withers x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora