chapter twenty two - reoccur

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*trigger warning: torture*

you made your way through the mansion and tried to find something to open up the door with when you heard a familiar voice.

you turned around and saw cain, the boy you met at the hospital, standing a few feet away from you armed with a knife and a shotgun.
sebastian instantly aimed at him but you jumped in front of him.
"no sebastian! it's okay i know him," you said while holding your hands up.
sebastian slowly lowered his gun, still wary of the stranger.

you now faced cain, looking at him in disbelief.
"cain? what are you doing here?"
he walked towards you and put away his knife.
"honestly i don't know. what even is this place? is this some kind of weird experiment or did they give me a new medication?" he answered.
"i guess experiment describes it better," you said.
"i will explain everything once we're out of here but first we need to open up that big door downstairs."

cain looked you in the eyes.
"you mean the one across the entrance? it's already open."
"what?" you just managed to say.
you tried to open this door for probably an hour now, and suddenly it just opened on its own?
"yeah i just came out of it. but why do you want to get in there? shouldn't we leave this place?"
you'd already stopped listening to him and ran to the stairs but sebastian grabbed your wrist.
"y/n stop."
you turned around and looked at him confused.
"you don't believe anything this guy says, do you? i mean isn't that a bit weird that we try to get this door open for who knows how long and suddenly he appears and tells us it's open?"
cain cleared his throat and walked over to you.
"listen you don't know me and i understand that you don't trust strangers at this point but i can show you. here, i'll even give you my weapons," he said and handed sebastian his knife and shotgun.
sebastian looked at him not fully convinced but he still took his weapons.
cain started walking and lead you down the stairs to the giant door that was in fact now open.
you couldn't believe your eyes.
"but how is this possible? we've been trying to get this door open the whole time now," you said.
"ruvik is probably toying with us," sebastian said annoyed.
you entered the room and looked around.
it was big and had only one other door that must lead to leslie and his doctor.
"i'm coming leslie..." you mumbled and started making your way out of the room.
sebastian and cain followed you.
it was dark but you saw light shining through a slightly opened door at the end of the corridor.
you sneaked through it and when you saw what was behind the door your heart sank.
leslie was on a chair in the middle of the room, bound and gagged, and looked completely exhausted. when he saw you his eyes lit up but only shortly before his expression became worried. he started squirming and screaming but due to the cloth in his mouth you couldn't understand him.

you started running towards him when you felt someone grab you from behind.
instantly you felt a stinging sensation in your neck and turned around.
everything happened so fast, you heard sebastian scream your name before running towards you. your vision got a bit blurry and you saw someone hitting sebastian hard against his head with a wooden plank. he instantly went down.
you shifted your gaze to the person next to you, it was cain. he had a cruel smile on his face.
"cain...?" you mumbled in disbelief as he came closer.
"i would say i'm sorry, y/n... but the only thing i'm sorry for is your stupidity."
you looked at him in shock before your legs couldn't carry you anymore and you fell to the ground.
the last thing you saw was how valerio jimenez, your doctor, patted cain's shoulder.
"good work, cain."
then everything went dark.

you opened your eyes but instantly shut them again as they couldn't adjust to the brightness that quickly. you blinked a few times and your vision started to get a bit clearer. when you looked down you saw that your arms and legs were strapped to a chair. you started to panic and tried to loose the restraints but to no success.
they were too tight.
"look who is finally with us again," you heard a familiar voice say. suddenly a bright light appeared in front of you and you could see leslie sitting on a chair, also tied up.
he looked so sad when he saw you.

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