chapter twelve - game night

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you started to walk back to your room when you got a weird feeling. like someone was watching you. you decided to keep going but the feeling didn't go away. you slowly turned around to see who was following you, but there was nothing.

"hey (y/n)"
you jolted up.
"(y/n)? is everything okay?"
you turned around to see Cain standing there with a worried expression on his face.
"uh yeah, everything is fine, thank you," you said.
"okay... well, i wanted to ask you if you'd like to join me and a couple other people tonight? it's game night, but you don't have to play anything, you can also just sit around and talk with others if you want," Cain said.
you thought about it for a moment. you'd rather spend the evening alone in your room, but maybe you should surround yourself with a few people.
"um yeah, why not..." you agreed.
"cool! i'll see you there, it starts at 8 in the group room," he said and left.
you continued walking back to your room. you opened the door and sat on your bed and started thinking. something told you that you should finally stop to overthink everything. to allow yourself the thought that there are people out there who don't want to hurt you. Cain seems to be one of them... he always tried to make you feel welcomed. you should be more grateful for that.
but there was always that voice that told you otherwise.

you got up and were about to leave your room when you heard voices from outside the room. you didn't know why, but you pressed your head against the door so you could hear them better.
but you could only catch a few words.

"how is he?"

"okay, i think... heard something... she's next."

"really? i... probably... why?"

"... don't know... something... similar."

the voices went further away and you couldn't hear anything else. what did they mean by that? you knew there was something weird going on but you couldn't tell what it was. either way, you wanted to get out of here and you would take leslie with you, no matter what.

it was already 7:50pm and you still couldn't decide if you should go to the game night or not. you told Cain that you would come, but you didn't know if it was the right decision.
"screw it..." you changed into something a bit more casual, but still comfy, and went to the group room. Cain was already sitting there and talked with some people. when he spotted you, he smiled and stood up.
"hey (y/n), i'm glad you came!"
"thanks for inviting me... so, uh, what are we doing here?" you asked.
"well, you can do what you want really. some people over there are watching a movie, the others play games or just talk to each other."
you looked around and saw that two people were drawing something. Cain noticed it.
"the black-haired girl over there is Allison, she's unbelievably talented at drawing. next to her is Owen, he also loves to draw and gets some advice from Allison."
you looked at Cain.
"do you know everyone in here?" you asked out of curiosity.
"i know at least everyone by name, yeah. some patients aren't allowed to spend time with the others, so i didn't spend time with everyone, but most of them," he said.
"but... for how long have you been in here?"
"two years," he said and smiled at you.
you were shocked. how could someone spend so much time in here and be so calm and hopeful?
"do you wanna go for a walk?" Cain asked and tilted his head a bit.
"uh, you know that i'm not allowed to go outside, and it's way past curfew..."
"i know, we can go through the hallways if you want." he laughed.
"sure, why not," you said and giggled.

you left the room and started to walk.
you wanted to ask him why he was in here, but you figured it would be too early for that.
"so, what do you wanna talk about?" Cain suddenly asked.
"uh, i don't know... what about you?"
"hmm... we could ask each other some questions, if you want?"
"sure, why not." you agreed.
"alright, let's see... what's your favourite colour?" Cain asked.
"(f/c). i just love everything it stands for, it's such a strong colour in my opinion."
"i can see that," Cain said and looked at you (f/c) shirt. you blushed a bit.
"well, it's my turn now," you tried to sound as confident as possible and thought about a good question that is not too personal.
"hmm, what's your favourite food?"
"oh, that's easy. definitely waffles. i could eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner," he said dreamily. you started to laugh because he looked so happy while talking about waffles.
"hey, don't judge me!" he said.
"oh, i don't! i can totally understand that," you said and laughed with him.
"what about you?"
"my favourite food is (f/f)."
"oh, i like that too! good for you that they serve that for lunch every two weeks," Cain said and winked at you.
"they do?!" you said exited.
Cain busted out in laughter.
"i see, we definitely share our love for food," he said.
you nodded and wanted to say something when someone came walking towards you.
"ah, crap," Cain muttered and smiled at you.

"what are you two doing here? it's way too late to walk around here!" a nurse said angrily.
"i'm sorry, we just came from the game night and-" Cain said but was interrupted.
"you two go back to your rooms now, or you get a warning, understand?"
"yes, of course." you and Cain answered in union and walked back.
"the nurses are always so uptight about everything," Cain said and laughed.
"yeah, you're right... but i think i should go back now. thanks again for inviting me, i had fun."
"i'm happy that i saw you laughing. you should do that more often." he smiled and went to the others.
he was right. you really should laugh more. you went back to your room and got ready for bed. it was the right decision to go to that game night.

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