chapter eight - encounter

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you spent the morning thinking about where you've heard that voice, but you couldn't remember. it bothered you. why would you dream about someone you know wanting to hurt you?
maybe i'm overthinking again. it's probably nothing, i'm just stressed because of this new situation...
you took a deep breath and went to the window once again. the summer was almost over and you marvelled at the first golden leaves. suddenly you saw a dog running around, playing with the leaves that the wind blew through the air. you started to smile. how much you wished you could be outside, so you could feel the grass under your feet and breath in the fresh air. but then you snapped back to reality. you were trapped here. but for how long? weeks? months? years? you could feel your heart beating faster. you just wanted to get out of here and leave this part of your life behind you. but you couldn't. your mind had you in prison and you didn't know if you could ever break out. just when you were about to get lost in these cruel thoughts, your eyes widened at the sight outside your window. you went closer and couldn't believe your eyes. "leslie..." you whispered.

doctor marcelo jimenez decided that it would be a good idea to take leslie to the clinic park for a walk. he walked over to a bench, while leslie waddled behind him. when leslie's doctor sat down and asked leslie if he wanted to sit down too, he just shook his head and made his way to a few flowers that caught his eye. they had a beautiful shade of (f/c). leslie noticed that (y/n) often wore that colour. he bent down and picked some. suddenly he heard a weird sound. he jolted up and turned around to see where it came from. his expression turned into a fearful one when he saw something big running towards him. he backed away but that didn't help, the thing continued to run. leslie started to panic and run away. "leslie, wait!" doctor marcelo jimenez shouted and run after him. "it's nothing dangerous leslie, that is the clinic dog, he just wants to play with you!" but leslie continued to run, hands over his ears. "stop leslie, he's not going to hurt you, i promise!" leslie started to slow down until he finally stopped and turned around, still with fear in his eyes. his doctor caught up with him and let out a few exhausted breaths. "it's... it's okay leslie. that is benny, he is a therapy dog and would never hurt anyone," he said. benny slowly walked over to leslie and laid down. benny had an almost soothing look in his eyes. leslie slowly started to calm down, he even looked at benny with interest. "you can pet him if you want," doctor marcelo jimenez said. leslie started to approach the dog and sat on the ground. hesitantly, he reached out his hand until it met the soft and warm fur. benny relaxed and laid on his back, showing he didn't want leslie to stop. leslie  was fascinated, he never saw something like this before. he started to gently rub his belly. benny started to roll around in the grass until he got up and started to chase some leaves again. and leslie... smiled. his doctor noticed it but couldn't believe it. to see leslie smile is something very rare. he couldn't help but smile too. "you can meet benny more often if you want," he asked leslie. "m-meet b-benny," leslie said with a smile on his face. his doctor nodded and started to walk. "we should go back now, leslie" leslie nodded and got up. he followed his doctor until he remembered something and run back. "leslie? where are you going?" doctor marcelo jimenez said. he watched how leslie went back to the bench and picked something up from the ground. when he came back his doctor noticed that he held some flowers in his hands. "you picked flowers? that's good, leslie. are they for you or for someone else?" he asked. but leslie didn't answer and just looked at the ground. "well, let's get some water for the flowers then, okay?"

you smiled as you watched how leslie gently pet the dog. he seemed to relax in his company. oh how much you wished you could be outside with them. a knock on the door snatched you out of your thoughts and you saw Tatiana entering the room. "hello (y/n), how are you? do you feel better?"
"yes, thank you," you said and sat down on your bed. Tatiana started to approach you. "you know, i talked with your doctor about letting you go outside for a bit..." your head jolted up and you looked at her, full of hope. "he said it would be a bad idea to let you out so soon, so you have to stay inside for a bit longer," she said. all your hope was shattered.
stupid, (y/n). why would you even think they would let you go outside?
i don't even deserve it. i'm going to rot in here for the rest of my life.
it took everything inside of you to control yourself. you nodded and Tatiana walked to the door. "don't worry (y/n), i'm sure they'll let you outside soon if you cooperate," she said and left the room. you just sat there and stared at a crack in the wall.

you didn't know for how long you've been sitting there, staring. all you knew was that you couldn't do this much longer. the nightmares felt more real than ever, you decided to refuse sleep until you couldn't fight it any longer. you got up and looked at the clock. 12pm. it was time for lunch and you also had to meet your doctor again. you shuddered at that thought. you didn't even know why, he didn't do anything to you. but you couldn't help but have a bad feeling about him. you made your way to the dining hall and ate your lunch. you still had half an hour until your appointment so you decided to go to the group room, even though you would prefer to spend your time alone in your room.

when you got there you saw a few other patients, some were reading and the others just sat there and talked about the usual stuff. they looked up at you for a second and continued with their things. you felt really uncomfortable and sat down. luckily you brought your book with you so you wouldn't just sit there. you had read a few minutes when you noticed someone walking up to you. it was a boy, a bit older than you, you guessed. he had dark brown hair and chestnut eyes with a bit of green. "hello," he said. "(y/n) right?"
you laid your book down and looked at him confused. "how do you know my name?" you asked. he had a mischievous smile on his face, but not in a mocking way. "i'm all knowing," he said. you just raised your eyebrow and didn't really know how to interpret that. "may i sit here?" he asked you and pointed at the place next to you. you nodded and he sat down. "by the way, i'm Cain."

you are my home - leslie withers x readerWhere stories live. Discover now