chapter twenty four - betrayal

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even though it was bright outside, you couldn't really see much as giant rocks prevented the light from coming in.
"okay, be careful leslie. we need to find a way up," you said and started searching for stairs that were still intact or maybe another way that was safe.
you walked around a corner and found a door that led to a stairwell.
"leslie, i found a way!" you shouted.
but there was no answer.
you grew worried and ran back to where you saw leslie last but he wasn't there anymore.
frantically, you began searching for him when you heard something rumble above you.
you weren't sure if you should go and look what it was or continue to search for leslie.
"maybe it's him and he found another way up..." you said to yourself.
you turned back and ran up the stairs. behind the door was a corridor with a few windows but the bus crash caused a fire outside which smoke made it really dark inside the building.
you sprinted around the corner when you bumped into someone.
it startled you so much that you stumbled backwards and almost fell down.
you had no weapons with you so your chances to win against a haunted were pretty low.
to your relief, there was no haunted anywhere near, only sebastian.

"y/n...?" he said.
"sebastian! i'm so glad to see you. are you okay? where are the others?" you asked him.
"i'm fine but i have no idea where joseph and kidman are."
"leslie was with me just a few minutes ago, but he's also disappeared..." you said, scared that you'd lost him for good.
suddenly sebastian went closer to the wall and looked out the window.
you did the same and saw kidman and leslie walking towards a playground.
"i guess she's all right... what's she after?" sebastian mumbled.
both you and him ran back down the stairs.
you stopped in front of the door that led outside when sebastian carefully opened it.
what you were then seeing was like a scene right out of a movie.

kidman and leslie were walking hand in hand on the playground. hundreds of soap bubbles were flying through the air and the swings moved back and forth even though no one was sitting on them.
they were talking to each other but you were too far away to be able to hear them.
leslie looked so happy it made your heart ache a little bit...
he started to waddle towards the middle of the playground when he suddenly stopped.
everything stopped moving.
the bubbles seemed to freeze, the swings stopped in the air.
sebastian and you slowly came closer.
kidman seemed a bit worried and looked around.
she probably didn't know what was going on either.
leslie's back was facing you, so you walked around the playground to approach him from the side.
"y/n!" sebastian whisper-shouted, but you gave him a sign that you knew what you were doing.
you looked back at leslie who slightly moved his body side to side. his smile was gone, he now looked concerned and sad.
it broke your heart to see him like that and you didn't know what happened that his mood changed so suddenly when you saw kidman taking out her gun and pointing it at leslie.
your heart dropped.
would she really shoot him just like that? an innocent young man who did nothing wrong?
"it's not your fault. i'm sorry..." you heard her say.
you were about to intervene when you saw sebastian approaching kidman from behind, pointing his gun at her.
"stop," he said.

"you don't understand. you don't know what he'll become," kidman said.
"i do. i've seen it," he answered.
"you don't understand what ruvik is after," she said.
suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. you hastily turned around to see joseph putting his finger over his mouth to signal you to stay quiet.
he also had his gun out and was ready to shoot.
you nodded and turned back, sebastian had noticed joseph too.
"so tell me. what is he after?" he said to kidman.
she pulled the hammer back and was ready to shoot.
"he's after leslie."
"what, he needs to finish his science project?"

"don't patronise me. i have orders. i can't let him have this boy," kidman said determined while closing her eyes and slowly turned her head towards sebastian.
now was your chance, the only chance to save leslie.
so you took it and ran towards him, joseph unsuccessfully tried to grab your arm and ran after you.
"leslie is the only one he can..." kidman didn't get to finish her sentence as leslie suddenly screamed right before you got to him to pull him out of the firing line.
his scream was so loud and shrill you covered your ears.
every single window in the buildings around you shattered and the glass pieces fell down on the road.
leslie panicked and ran away, you looked at kidman who was now aiming at him again.
she fired a shot but missed him when you got in her way.
"don't do it!" you screamed when another bullet was fired and hit you.
you fell to the ground.
joseph ran to you as sebastian tried to stop kidman who was chasing after leslie but the ground collapsed, dragging sebastian down with it.

you slowly opened your eyes. it took a few seconds until you could remember everything that happened. kidman and leslie on the playground, her ready to shoot him...
you promptly sat up.
"woah easy there," you heard someone say.
you turned your head and saw joseph walking over to you.
"you're really lucky. kidman could've killed you."
suddenly you felt a sharp pain in your left shoulder. you looked down and saw a bandage on it.
she really wanted to kill him... why would she do that? ruvik may needs leslie but there has to be another way to stop him.
"where's leslie... we have to find him..." you mumbled, still a bit exhausted.
"you really should rest y/n, don't take that injury lightly."
you got up to show him that there was no way you would just lay down and wait until leslie was dead.
"we have to do something or we're all dead. kidman can't get leslie! you're a cop, you know it's not right to kill him!" you said aggressively.
joseph sighed.
"i know... you're right. but you have to be careful with your arm."
"i will," you said.
"and... i'm a detective," joseph said a bit offended.
"yeah whatever," you chuckled and he smiled at you.

neither of you really knew where leslie or kidman went so you stood there a little bit helpless.
"so... what do you think where he would go to?" joseph asked you.
"i don't know... our plan was to get to beacon and meet sebastian there, but since we already found him... i have no idea."
you suddenly felt defeated, what if kidman already got to leslie? what if he's dead? you promised him to protect him and now he's alone again.
joseph noticed your concern and put his hand on your shoulder.
"i think we should go to beacon. leslie has managed to survive all this time now, and he knows that you would go there. and sebastian too."
you looked up at him, a little more faithful.
"you think so?" you asked him and he nodded.
"come on, let's go," he said and you tried to find a spot where the buildings weren't that high so you could look further into the distance to find the hospital.
"y/n, here."
you walked over to joseph who pointed in the distance.
"there's the light again..." you mumbled.
"why is beacon the only building that's emitting that light?"
"i don't know, but i'm sure it's our way out," joseph said.

after an hour or so you couldn't walk anymore, your shoulder was hurting and you were just completely exhausted.
"we've been walking for so long now, how far away is this place? it looks like we don't even get closer," you said.
"it must be ruvik, he probably doesn't want us to get there," joseph answered.
"and what should we do now? we have to get there!" if you don't get to the hospital anytime soon, you're all dead.
joseph thought about a solution but even though he was very smart and clever, he didn't know everything and especially not how to stop a guy from manipulating the world around you.
suddenly the weather changed, it became more and more windy, clouds covered the sun and it started raining.
you and joseph looked at each other knowing that this meant nothing good.
you continued your way when you came by a giant sinkhole in the middle of the city. the wind was incredibly strong and you had to be careful so you didn't slip and fell in.
you looked to your left and saw a train wreck hanging above the hole. the lights inside flickered and it looked very unstable.
then you saw something move inside the train.
or... someone.
"is that... sebastian?" you said in disbelief.
joseph hurried over to you and looked at the train.
"you're right, that's him," he said.
you were about to scream his name to get his attention when you saw a steel post flying into the train right in front of him.
you let out a short scream.
"oh god..." joseph said.
sebastian walked back when another post flew in, blocking his way.
then another.
you wanted to help him when joseph held you back.
"y/n, no. you can't help him, sebastian can take care of himself. this is obviously ruvik's work, so now that he's distracted with sebastian he can't prevent us from getting to the hospital. we have to go now!" he said.
as much as you hated to admit it, he was right.
sebastian was smart and clever, he surely would get out of there.
now was your only chance to get to beacon and hopefully find leslie there.
joseph and you walked at the edge of the sinkhole to get to a few giant pieces of broken down streets that seemed to be a way to the hospital.
you turned around one last time to look at the train.
i hope you will make it, sebastian...

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