chapter twenty six - take the train home

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kidman slowly came back to her senses.
"what..." she mumbled, confused about where she was. she slowly got up from the ground when she remembered what happened.
"goddammit..." she said and looked around, "where did they go?"
kidman went a few steps back to the nearest open door and looked into the corridor behind it.
it was the way she would take to get away from someone, so she started running in hope to catch up to leslie.
he couldn't get away, it was too dangerous.
if ruvik got to him before her, no one would make it out alive and ruvik could get out after all. he would plunge the town into chaos.

she went around a corner and saw a door that seemed to lead outside. it was slightly open. two voices could be heard talking to each other.
she slowed down and carefully came closer.
when she reached the door and peeked outside, she could see you and leslie embracing each other.
she sighed and looked down.
"i'm sorry..." she whispered, "but it has to be done." she took her revolver out of the holder.
but when she wanted to open the door a bit more to get a clear shot, the door made a squeaking noise.
she instantly pulled her hand back and held her breath. for a few seconds it was completely quiet. then she heard someone scream.

"leslie run!!!" you screamed and pushed him away.
you heard a gun being fired and could feel the draft of the bullet on your face. it missed you by a couple inches.
you briefly looked back and saw how kidman bursted through the door, cursing.
leslie ran over to the opposite side of the rooftop and entered another building.
you followed him, kidman only a few feet behind you.
"stop leslie!" she screamed.
you heard how leslie was breathing heavily, he was exhausted and probably debating in his head if he should stop or not.
"don't stop leslie, i'm right behind you!"
you tried to reassure him. he couldn't stop now, kidman would kill him.
another shot was fired and hit the wall next to you.
leslie screamed and you prayed that he didn't stop.
"last chance leslie, or she'll have to die too," kidman said.
"KEEP RUNNING!" you screamed as loud as you could.

you ran around a corner and saw that leslie had gotten faster.
"help!... help!..." he screamed and you saw how he entered another room.
when you reached it you saw a giant thing in the middle of the room that looked like a brain. it was wrapped with several cables that went through the floor. sebastian was standing next to it and leslie hid himself behind him.
you stopped running and turned around.
kidman had also reached the room by now.
you looked back at sebastian who raised his gun and pointed it at her which made her stop.
"sebastian, get away from him," she said.
but he just pulled the hammer back.

"sebastian, listen to me," she continued, "stop. your interests are the same as ours."
leslie carefully looked past sebastian who positioned himself in front of leslie and shielded him with his arm to protect him.
"look, i get it, you're not just some rookie detective and this is not just some ordinary kid.
you shot y/n and you shot me," he said while looking over to you for a few seconds before facing kidman again, "so right at this moment that's enough reason for me not to trust you."

kidman listened to him calmly. "you're a good man. that's why i... ugh... it doesn't matter anymore."
suddenly her voice became more energetic.
"if you know who this kid is, if you know anything, you know why he can't be allowed to live."
you heard leslie whimper while hiding deeper behind sebastian.
"that's not true!" you said while taking a few steps towards her.
"it's not leslie's fault that ruvik needs him for his sick plan. he's been tortured and suffering his whole life because people like ruvik took advantage of the horrible things that happened to him. can't he finally be left alone and given a chance to heal?" your voice cracked and caught in your throat.

you felt everyone look at you in silence. kidman didn't know what to do or say and looked down.
then, the giant brain started to emit light and made horrible, screeching noises. sebastian seemed to be fairly affected by it and tried hard to not break down while covering his ears. the environment started to change, you were now in the middle of nowhere on a yellow glowing platform that seemed to float.
the sky was full of dark clouds and lightning occurred, accompanied by loud thunder.
you wanted to help sebastian who was clearly struggling when you noticed that leslie wasn't near you anymore. when you turned around you saw how he walked closer towards the brain, or more specifically towards ruvik who was suddenly standing right in front of it.
"leslie, no!" you screamed.
but he didn't show any reaction to your voice.
sebastian slowly gained his strength back and looked at leslie. he had almost reached ruvik who spreaded his arms out so that leslie would come closer.
you thought about what you could do to get ruvik's attention, it was too late to drag leslie away from him.
then you remembered the photo of ruvik and his sister you found in front of their mansion.
she died in the fire to save her brother and he never got over it.
what you were about to do was risky and you had no idea if it would do something, but it was all you got.
quickly, you grabbed the lantern sebastian always carried with him and smashed it on the ground. it created a small flame which quickly grew bigger and turned into a fire.
leslie stopped when ruvik didn't focus on him anymore, he turned his gaze towards the fire and looked at you, his eyes full of hatred and disgust.
you took out the photo and unfolded it before showing it to him.
he growled and seemed to struggle in some kind of way.
"where did you get that," he snarled.
you didn't answer him. all you thought about was how you could get leslie as far away from him as possible.
he took a small step towards you. then another.
he screamed so loud that you flinched a bit but you quickly composed yourself again.
you moved your arm so the photo was now directly above the fire.
for a moment you saw something in ruvik's eyes that you'd never seen before. it was fear.
but he instantly changed his expression and gave you a smug smile.
"you wouldn't dare..." he said.
"i am going to destroy everything that you hold dear. and i will start by killing him."

you are my home - leslie withers x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz