chapter twenty one - former torment

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the doctor took leslie to a room with a single operation chair in the middle.
leslie's fear grew and he tried to get away, but dr. jimenez had a tight hold on him.
"it has to be done leslie, the sooner the better. you know it."
he was confused. what did he mean by that?
but his fear only grew when he heard a familiar voice.

"welcome back, leslie."
he looked to his right and saw him. dr. valerio jimenez, marcelo's brother.
he was leslie's doctor before the beacon mental hospital didn't allow him to work with leslie anymore due to suspected patient abuse. but because they didn't have any evidence they couldn't quit him so they just assigned leslie a new doctor, in this case his brother marcelo jimenez.

leslie started screaming and tried to free himself from marcelo's grip but it was of no use.
"stop... stop... stop... let g-go..." he screamed completely exhausted.
valerio jimenez came closer.
"now, now leslie. that's not very polite of you to not even greet your old doctor, is it not?
you should be grateful to be such a special boy, i couldn't do it with anyone else," he cooed.
the fear in leslie's eyes gave him a sick satisfaction.
he grabbed him and strapped him to the chair, leslie was screaming and kicking to get away but he only laughed at his pathetic attempt.
leslie looked over to marcelo jimenez who avoided his gaze. maybe he didn't want to see the broken trust in leslie's eyes, maybe he didn't care but whatever it was he didn't do anything to stop his brother.

when leslie was secured to the chair, valerio walked over to his brother who was organizing some papers.
"i would like to have some privacy, so if you don't-"
"i know you would like that, valerio," he cut his brother off "but he is still my patient and i won't let him alone. we are going to do this as fast and with as little pain as possible, you understand?"
"hmm. you've always been too sentimental brother. that's why you'll never make it as far as me," he said and walked over to the next room.

"... ...rt ...urt."
dr. marcelo jimenez looked up and saw that leslie was shaking on the chair. he came a bit closer.
"hurt... hurt... hurt..."
dr. jimenez looked down. leslie was his patient but it had to be done. there was no other way out of here.
"y/n... help..."

"y/n?" valerio said as he walked back into the room.
"he knows her?"
"yes..." marcelo answered, "he met her at the hospital and is very fond of her."
"well, well, well. i didn't know leslie liked my new patient that much. this is like a win in the lottery hahaha!" he let out a sick laugh.
"what do you mean?" marcelo asked his brother.
"wow, you really aint the brighter brother of us, huh? how did you even graduate from medical school?"
he didn't answer and just gave him an annoyed look.

"leslie can experience more fear than any other human i've ever experimented on. it can't logically be explained. we need him to be as scared as possible. and what better way to do it than to get our hands on the person he loves the most." his eyes seemed to gain a darker colour.
"i don't think that is necessary. leslie's fear will be enough as it is," marcelo said.

valerio chuckled quietly. he turned around and grabbed a sharp object from the surgical table.
"this is not your decision to make..." he said and started walking towards his brother.
"w-what do you think you're doing?" marcelo said and backed off.
his brother came closer to him, a dangerous look on his face.
"well, the only reasonable thing to do. i won't let you screw this up."
marcelo felt a stinging pain in his neck. he stumbled backwards, his vision got blurry.
"what d... did y-you" he just managed to get out.
his body hit the ground and he felt how his eyes got heavy. he could see his brother coming closer until his shoes were right in front of his face.
"sleep well, brother," he said and chuckled.
marcelo couldn't fight it anymore and closed his eyes, instantly feeling relief and a darkness overcoming him.

sebastian and you had a hard time trying to get to leslie and his doctor, this mansion was a complete reflection of ruvik's barbaric imagination. but it was also the place he grew up in and so you got to learn a few things about him and his tragic childhood. it made you feel a little bad for him but it didn't justify all the cruel things he did. still, the memory of him and his sister who's name was apparently laura, the girl you saw on the picture outside of the mansion, being trapped in a barn that was lit on fire by the people in their neighborhood didn't want to disappear. laura sacrificed herself to save her brother who was left alone without his sister but with several severe burn wounds all over his body instead. you couldn't imagine the physical and emotional pain he went through.

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