chapter fourteen - new faces

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the white-haired boy with the pale skin and red lips looked at you as if you were a beautiful dream. something that he hadn't had in a long time. something he needed. so desperately, that he would do everything to get it.

"leslie?" you looked at him in disbelief. "what are you doing here?" he didn't say anything, he just looked at you. suddenly, he got up and wrapped his arms around your waist. then he murmured something you couldn't understand. "what did you say leslie?" you carefully put your hand on his back. you could feel him tense when your hand touched his back, but only for a short moment. "leslie... afraid," he said. "it's okay leslie, i'm here now. you don't have to be afraid, i will protect you, okay?"
he slowly nodded. "do you know which way will get us out of here?" you asked him while you studied your surroundings.
leslie let go and started to waddle towards a rusty door.
"t-this way... hurry..."
you stared at him in disbelief. you didn't really think that he knew the way out.

suddenly, his pace got quicker. you had trouble keeping up with him. "leslie, hold up!"
he didn't listen.
you started running after him when you heard a loud, screeching noise. the ground started shaking and leslie covered his ears while the both of you sank to the ground. the walls started cracking, until they finally collapsed. leslie began crawling towards you, but then he stopped. you looked around. the noise suddenly stopped. you looked at leslie when you both noticed a bright light shining from one of the destroyed walls. a silhouette stepped out of the light, it was a pale man with horrible burn scars all over his body. leslie started to panic and backed off.
"y/n... help..."
the man started walking towards you and you immediately got up and positioned yourself in front of leslie to protect him.
"back off!" you screamed at the man.
at first he seemed a bit surprised but then he started to smile.
"pathetic..." he said as he came closer, a sinister smile on his face. "i need the boy, so get out of my way subject, or i will make sure to break every bone in your body so you will never be able to walk again." his smile faded.
you gulped, fully aware that he meant that threat in fact really serious. you slowly backed off.
"" you whispered but he didn't move. you turned around and looked him in the eye. he wasn't really sure what he should do. "RUN!" you screamed at him, but before he could do anything the ground started shaking and you fell to the ground. when you looked back to where the man was standing, you caught a last glimpse of him, he seemed just as confused as you before he gave you one last evil look before the ceiling broke down and he disappeared. you instantly took leslies hand, got up and started running, dragging him after you as you two tried to get somewhere safe.

you were running for what felt like an eternity when you couldn't feel your legs anymore. leslie was at least as exhausted as you. the only reason why he was running was because of you. you stopped and could literally feel leslie's relief. he hesitated to let go of your hand, but the exhaustion was too big so he carefully sank to the ground, resting his head against the wall. you slightly smiled at him and started to look around, trying to comprehend what happened. where were you? why was this all happening? and most importantly... who was that man? too many questions... you slowly rubbed your temples, your head hurt like hell. when you started to walk around the place, looking for anything that could help you find out how the both of you could get out of here, you heard leslie quietly say your name. "(y/n)... don't leave... please"
you smiled. "don't worry leslie, i won't leave you. i'm just looking for a way out of here, okay?" you heard something coming from one of the many corridors. it sounded like footsteps. you quickly went back to leslie, who was already hiding behind a rock. the footsteps got nearer and you could feel your heart beating faster. someone entered the room. it was a man, but you couldn't tell if he was a threat or not. you hadn't seen him before. he looked at the two of you and started walking in your direction. you instantly took a step back. "i'm sorry..." he said and instantly stopped, slowly raising his hands to demonstrate that he wouldn't hurt you. "i mean no harm"
you looked at him suspiciously. "who are you?" you asked.
"my name is sebastian castellanos, detective sebastian castellanos."

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